myBurbank Talks
myBurbank Talks
SPECIAL: Inside the First 90 Minutes of the Eaton Fire Response
Not a podcast, just the audio of the first 90 minutes of what became known at the Eaton Fire. Hear the details as we pull the scanner feed and listen along.
Here is what the AI says about it:
Discover the inner workings of emergency response as you gain a front-row seat to the action-packed world of firefighting during the Eaton Fire. Feel the tension and urgency of the initial 90 minutes of radio traffic as firefighters strategize and mobilize to combat a growing brush fire threatening Pinecrest Drive. Experience the adrenaline-pumping coordination among battalions and fire engines, and witness the vital role of effective communication in managing a rapidly escalating situation.
As the flames continue to threaten communities around Canyon Close and Altadena, we unravel the meticulous resource deployment and tactical decisions made to safeguard key structures. Follow Engines 5, 37, and 91 as they navigate the formidable challenges of ember casts and the critical need for aerial support. Delve into the complex strategies employed by Incident Command to prevent the fire from spreading into Eaton Canyon and Kenaloa Canyon, highlighting the dynamic interaction between ground units and command centers.
The episode culminates in a detailed exploration of resource allocation and the high-stakes operations required to manage such a formidable wildfire. Learn about the essential role of timely updates, the prioritization of life safety, and the urgency of evacuations led by the New York Structure Group. Through gripping accounts of the coordinated response, discover the intense and fast-paced efforts of first responders as they tackle this formidable challenge with precision and resilience.
Hello, burbank, craig Shewitt here with you and we have a little something different for you today. We just did a video on our YouTube channel of the beginning of the Eaton Fire, from the first dispatch through the first 90 minutes of radio traffic. Some people have found it interesting and said they'd like to hear it while they're going to work. So I said, you know what, let me throw it on the audio channel also. So this is basically just all radio traffic for 90 minutes, from the initial dispatch through the 90 minutes. So you can see what firefighters are up against as the beginning of this fire started.
Speaker 1:As the beginning of this fire started, it's been a tragic situation and hopefully we're all going to get through it, but it's going to take time. Anyhow, if you want to see the video and the visuals also, go to our YouTube channel on the my Burbank YouTube channel, and if not, you can listen to this also just to hear what I actually heard that night while I sat here in the command center. It's very dramatic and you can find out what they're up against in a very, very tough situation. So here's the audio from that night and let me know what you think. This is another edition of my Burbank News.
Speaker 3:Ported brush fire 66's 2260 Pinecrest Drive. 2260 Pinecrest Drive Units responding to the brush fire in 66 is now the Eaton incident Be on LA County V3 primary attack V8 direct secondary attack. V12 direct air to ground will be LA County V9 direct 0136.0250. Further repeating Command V3, v8 direct, v12 direct, v9 direct 136.0250.
Speaker 5:Copy we're on a brush fire, engine 36,. I'm outfitting the drive and watch Ready to go. Battalion 31 on 5. Yeah, I just burned it. Let's get get air going on this one. We've got a large glow up on the hillside, verdugo. Battalion 3 on Red 2.
Speaker 7:Battalion 3, go ahead on Red 2.
Speaker 5:Battalion 31 is reporting. He's got a glow on the hillside. Looks like a large header. We're going to need air support if there's anything available. Battalion 31 from Battalion 31. From Battalion 3. Go ahead.
Speaker 5:What's your location? Are you going to end up going to Eaton Canyon over by the nature center? Yeah, I'm going to get eyes on this. I'm actually on scene in the area of my setup down in that lower equestrian lot. Yeah, it's a firm and this looks to be in LA County's area up on the hill with the threat to ANF. Copy that Once units start arriving on scene we can start using our direct channel for that.
Speaker 5:V-fire 22, v-fire 23,. What's your loss? I see from Engine 36, we're on canyon, closed in clock range. There's no access from this community. We can see the fire on the hill. All right, go ahead and give me a size up on it and, uh, we'll start setting this thing up. Patrol 38, battalion three. Go ahead and go up to the pinecrest case. You have access up there. 36 is on scene.
Speaker 5:Uh, came close to clocked ridge we have what looks like a 100 by 100 brush fire underneath the electrical post. Engine 36 will be established in command. This will be known as Canyon Close Incident Engine 36,. I'm on it Merging wheel for Battalion 3 on Red 2. Battalion 3, answer that Agent 38, Battalion 31. Verdugo from Battalion 3 on red 2.
Speaker 1:Battalion 3 go.
Speaker 5:What tack is LA County on Battalion 3? Additionally, la County has a first alarm response en route. Anf is also en route. Eyes up and you're up off of Canyon Close. I'm going to go into assumedume Command. I'll be known as Close IC Command Post. Greg Verdugo. Do you copy 931, assuming Command. 931, assuming Command. Close IC Command Post located in Question Park, alaska. Verdugo, close IC.
Speaker 5:Go ahead and start me a second alarm. I want all resources to stage at New York and Altadena IC from Staff 3. I'm heading your way at the question center, nature center, correct, that's where the command post is. I'm down below, off of New York, set up at the Eaton Canyon question park Post. I see from Agent Step 32. All units, all units. We got our comm plan. We got our comm plan. We're going to switch over to our command channel, which is going to be V3. V3, come up on V3. Close, I see from Deputy 31. Do you copy that? La County is operating at 2260 Pinecrest Drive, also, I believe for the same brush fire. That's 37. All right, you have a foot off of Pinecrest. We just got up here. How does your access look? Getting up there right now? Battalion 3, purdue on Red 5. Super, if you had a second alarm. We heard something on Red 5. If so, can the request be made on Red 2?
Speaker 4:LA Battalion, 22. 22 go. I'm released from the incident 143. As I'm available, am I going to be up for?
Speaker 11:that brush and battalion, four thanks engine 82 is clear for destruction.
Speaker 12:66 as a re-up for the brush fire 82, that's affirmative. La engine 5, we're in 66's area. Put us on that brush fire.
Speaker 11:Engine 5 and engine 82, copy.
Speaker 14:LA copy 11, copy.
Speaker 13:LA Battalion 4, I'm available. Add me to the brush fire in 66.
Speaker 11:Battalion 4, copy.
Speaker 13:All units come into the brush fire in 66's area. It looks like we can access off of Altadena towards the Ethan Canyon access area. We went up to the east side and come back down and have to come back around LA Engine 11, add us to the brush fire in 66.
Speaker 11:Engine 11.
Speaker 13:LA Engine 19 is available now too, for that brush fire Engine 11. Engine 19 is available now too, for that brush fire.
Speaker 11:Engine 19.
Speaker 13:Engine 66 from Battalion, all units responding to the brush fire up in Eaton Canyon. This is Pasadena, battalion 31. We're on scene. We have an approximately 10-acre brush fire across Canyon underneath high-tension power lines. Brush fire across Canyon underneath high-tension power lines. Command command post location is set up at the Eaton Canyon Equestrian Park on New York, just east of Altadena.
Speaker 14:Copy that, get in route.
Speaker 7:I see engine 91 staging.
Speaker 11:Copter 11, LA copy.
Speaker 13:Engine 91, copy. You're on scene. Why don't you go ahead and go up off of Pinecrest area and let me know what you guys got up there?
Speaker 14:Close. I see from engine 732. Go ahead. I'm on Canyon View. We have Embercast coming to the structures. We have a possible structure threatened. I'm going to get a better size up in assessment when I make my 360.
Speaker 13:Okay, you're up off of Canyon View.
Speaker 14:That's affirmative. Canyon. View.
Speaker 13:All right, I copy that. You're going to be known as Structure Defense 1 and I want to confirm that's 732 off of Canyon.
Speaker 14:View. That's affirmative. Structure Defense 1, that's 732 on Canyon View.
Speaker 13:LA copy that Structure Defense 1 is 732 further. You can have V8 as your tack. V8 as your tack, v8 as your tack.
Speaker 14:V8 as my tack.
Speaker 9:Copy that IC from Engine 36. We're here with 732. We can be attached to the infrastructure protection.
Speaker 14:IC. We're traffic advised.
Speaker 9:IC from Engine 36.
Speaker 14:We're here with Engine 732, you can attach us to any truck to protect us Engine 31,. We're on Canyon View. Where would you like us?
Speaker 13:Engine 36,. I copy you're going to be working for structure defense 1, engine 732 on V8.
Speaker 14:Copy working for engine 732 on V8.
Speaker 8:Copy we have a helo spot on the8. La Copter 11,. We have a helispot assigned.
Speaker 11:Copter 11, stand by one engine.
Speaker 13:Engine 11,. La Traffic for IC on V3. Engine 11, go.
Speaker 11:Engine 11, you're going to be first in. Do you have a helispot assignment?
Speaker 13:LA. We're going to send engine 169 to helispot 82 alpha. Notify JPL LA County BC on v3 advice.
Speaker 11:Copy 169 to 82 alpha battalion 4 on command.
Speaker 13:Let's have engine 63 man, helipad 82, alpha. Notify JPL.
Speaker 11:Gen 63, do you copy 82 alpha?
Speaker 13:All right yeah location where you're at. I'm gonna signA. Alright give me a location where you're at and I'm going to assign you as a structure defense. Give me a location where you're at. I see you. I copy GEN 63, 82a JPL.
Speaker 8:Hey Angelo. I'm from Angelo 5. We're coming up your direction. What are you guys going to need?
Speaker 13:LA copy LA County incident command on V3 from Pasadena, battalion 31. Go for LA County, battalion 4 on command. Battalion 4,. This is battalion 31,. Are you on scene and I just want to confirm? Have you guys established an incident on this already? This is Battalion 31. Are you on scene and I just want to confirm? Have you guys established an incident? On this already, that's a negative. I'm not on scene and it looks like you're running the incident and I should be on scene at your command post in the next two minutes.
Speaker 14:All right, I copy that.
Speaker 13:Break Engine 36. Disregard, break Engine engine 37. I see. Go ahead where you set up, where you set up right now with engine 11, control 38. I don't know how good of a spot this is. Yeah, I think we're too far west Negative. I'm going to hold you there at the pine crutch. You're going to be known as structure defense. 1. Give me your units that you have with you. This thing's going to head towards you.
Speaker 14:I see engine 66, LA County.
Speaker 15:We're on scene, we can face-to-face you coming around the corner.
Speaker 13:Alright, I copy Break Engine 37,. Do you copy your assignment? You're going to be structure defense 2. I'm going to have you up at the pine crest area and give me your units that you're working with and you're going to have V8 as your tack.
Speaker 7:IC Engine 63, can you confirm helispot assignment?
Speaker 13:82 alpha. Yeah, confirming, are you going to handle that helispot 82 alpha?
Speaker 14:That's confirmed. I want to confirm I'm on it.
Speaker 15:Go for engine 66 on D3. Go ahead.
Speaker 13:I've got evac going Pat opening up helispot 82 alpha identify.
Speaker 12:Hey, pat, pat's seeing IC from LA County Engine 5.
Speaker 13:Go for IC. I'm at Canyon Close and Altadena. I've got a huge ember cast coming down here, so we're going to need some resources down here. I'm going to take this area. All right, give me your location again Canyon Close Road and Altadena Drive. All right, copy that Canyon, close Altadena Drive and your engine identifier and you can have V8 as your tack.
Speaker 12:Copy that V8, altadena Drive and your engine identifier. You can have V8 as your tack. Copy that V8, engine 5.
Speaker 13:All right, I copy. Just let me know what you need Brake structure to fence 1. I see On command. I see engine 37. Go for engine 37. Go for. I see. I see engine 91 staging New York, Maltedina 91, you're going to tie in with structure defense 2, which is going to be engine 37 on V8. Ic.
Speaker 12:IC engine 82. Is that seen? We are going to face-to-face with engine 5 up here at Canyon Close in Altadena.
Speaker 13:Unit. Call on IC. Repeat your traffic.
Speaker 12:We're on scene with engine 5 up at Canyon Close in Altadena. We'll face to face with them to back up their needs. Copy. Great thanks Unit and staging.
Speaker 13:Identify 705,. I'm going to send you up into Break stand by one. Engine 705,. I'm going to send you up into Kinaloa Canyon area, which is going to be west of this fire, and I'm going to assign you structure defense 3 up into Kinalolo Canyon area, Engine 705,. That's my bad, You're going to be known as structure defense four in the Kenolo Canyon area, Squad 11, go Copy break Engine 82. They're coming down that way. I think we're more worried about the Engine 82, IC.
Speaker 7:V-9C, copy 17,.
Speaker 13:on command Taking hold of engine 37 on V-8. Can you confirm my assignment, engine 37, your structure defense. 2. Confirm your location, ic from engine 37,. Do you copy Engine 37 from IC? I copy you line clear, go ahead.
Speaker 12:Okay, we copy the assignment Instructure Defense 2, we are up at Pinecrest, down by the bridge, Engine 11, Engine 12, Engine 37, we're operating on V8, and we're having a coming up with a game plan.
Speaker 13:Do I have more units coming up? Negative, it's just you right now.
Speaker 7:Copy. And E-9C Copter 17,. On command.
Speaker 13:Go ahead to capture 17. Yes, sir.
Speaker 7:Overhead. Now I will be your Helco. Orientation of priority, sir. All right.
Speaker 13:We'll orientate this. The right flank is the flank burning to the west. We'll be calling out the Zulu side and then your left flank is is on the east side. Our priorities are going to be take actions, as you need structures into the area, if we can slow this thing down.
Speaker 7:Okay, I copy my right flank is going to be the Canolella side.
Speaker 13:Eat L-832,. We were dropped off this ticket. Can you place the ticket?
Speaker 9:We're at New York and Eaton County.
Speaker 11:You'd have a sign before us, engine 32, can't see your response Corp.
Speaker 13:I see W31. Eaton arriving on scene. Identify, please.
Speaker 7:Eaton, I see you. That's LA County, Engine 169.
Speaker 13:Eaton IC, that's LA County engine 169. 169, why don't you go ahead and start going up into this canyon? See if you have any areas where you can engage the Amber Cassidy's advice where you're at.
Speaker 7:Eaton IC confirming just drive up Eaton Canyon and see if we can hit some spots.
Speaker 13:That's going to be Altadena.
Speaker 8:Go up into the Altadena area and I want you to see if they get between just past Canyon Close and Altadena area. One six on a copy. One six on a copy.
Speaker 13:Close. I see from Deputy 31. Go for IC. Any reports of spotting in the golf course area. Copy spotting in the golf course area and I want to confirm that's the one over by Sierra Madre. That's affirmative, off Sierra Madre, new York Drive. Alright, let's go ahead and start a different response to that. It seems like that's pretty east of us.
Speaker 8:Copy. It's on scene. Sir, Do you have an assignment?
Speaker 13:Eaton IC patrol 666, command Go for IC Patrol 66 on command we're going to attach ourselves to engine 5 and engine 82. Copy they're known as structure defense 3, that's engine 5.
Speaker 7:Copy structure defense 3.
Speaker 8:IC ANF 328.
Speaker 13:Engine 328, go ahead.
Speaker 8:I see ANF 328. We're on scene here. Sir, Do you have an assignment for us?
Speaker 13:Yeah, I want you to go into Eaton Canyon Drive. Take that to the end and let me know back in there what you got, and again, give me your identifier. That's ANF 328. All right, I copy that and just confirm me where that Eaton Canyon Drive is correct. It's off of New York Drive. You'll take that all the way back past Kinaloa Canyon back in there.
Speaker 7:Affirm Eaton. I see Helco on command.
Speaker 13:Helco, go ahead for IC.
Speaker 7:Recommending you start two additional Type 1 aircraft, specifically Copter 15 for LA County. Also Biggest threat right now it appears to be in Kenaloa Canyon. Impact essentially 20 minutes Suggesting or recommending you put units in that area.
Speaker 13:All right, Give me that street identifier, please one more time.
Speaker 7:Okay, eaton, I see that's going to be Helco. Kenaloa Canyon is going to be your priority, recommending you put a structured defense group in there immediately. Also recommending you order two additional Type 1 aircraft.
Speaker 13:Alright, I copy the Kenaloa area and the two additional Type 1 helicopters, copters Unit calling IC.
Speaker 11:Go ahead.
Speaker 13:Copter 11LA timer check. This is ANF Division 1. Where's your command floor located, canyon Equestrian Park Break Unit? On scene looking for an assignment. Advised Identifier only IC ANF engine 310 on command Two minutes out. Do you have an assignment for us? Yeah, 410, that's affirmative. I'm going to assign you structure defense 5, and I want you getting up in the Kinaloa area. Structure defense 5, kinaloa area. Do you copy and you can utilize V8?
Speaker 16:as your command.
Speaker 13:I copy now we'll look for ANF 310. Copy ANF 310. Get up there and see what you can do and advise what you need. Break Battalion 10, I see.
Speaker 14:Battalion 10, go ahead.
Speaker 13:Hey, can you get up into the Kinaloa area and I can establish you as a structured offense? It seems like that's a priority right now from.
Speaker 7:Elko copy that. What road is that?
Speaker 8:office eat nicey. Elko on command, go pricey eat 19 from Elko.
Speaker 7:We're getting a 70-knot wind speed. We're going to have to shut down water-dropping operations. I'll see you cancel that traditional copters. However, I will stay overhead for intel for you.
Speaker 13:Okay, copy that Shutting down water-dropping capabilities. Just advise when you guys can start back up and I do copy your staying overhead Eaton IC LA County engine. Do you recommend being on scene with a Kim Claire?
Speaker 7:with. Have an EVP contact. Request your resource to be diverted there.
Speaker 13:Eaton IC, la County, engine 19 on scene. Any unit on scene advise.
Speaker 15:LA County engine 19 on scene 19.
Speaker 13:The Kinloaer Anglod area of need for protection group 2. Ans, engine 310. Operations A&F, engine 313, on command Engine 19,. I copy Protection Group 2, can I load that's affirmative Any additional units?
Speaker 10:on scene looking for assignments. Last unit calling Engine 13 from the Angeles National Forest is pulling up on scene looking for an assignment.
Speaker 13:Hey 13, I'm going to send you as well up into the Kinoloa area Tying with engine ANF, engine 310. Copy. Do you have a frequency for us?
Speaker 12:You can utilize V8, V8, brakes.
Speaker 13:Structure defense 5, anf 310,. Did you copy? You have V8, that V8, break. Structure to fence 5, anf 310. Did you copy? You have V8 that you can utilize? Go again, 310. 310, I'm starting to send you resources up there. You're going to be knowing structure to fence 5, and you'll be on V8. Structure to fence 5, okay. Okay, we're getting down into Kinaloa now with search going on.
Speaker 12:We're headed to. Kinaloa now with search going off, IC from LA County Engine 66. We're headed up to Kinaloa Mesa area also. We'll operate with 310.
Speaker 14:Structure protection group 5 on V8.
Speaker 13:All right, I copy that. Break structure defense 1. Ic Engine 732,. Ic Structure defense 1. Star Shore Defense 1,. I see Engine 732,. I see Star Shore Defense 1. I just want to confirm that. Was you requesting additional resources, correct?
Speaker 7:Yeah once I get people on scene, I'll send them your way, eaton, I see LA.
Speaker 13:County Engine 169. We're here at Eaton Canyon and Canyon Close, just north of engine 5. Do you want us to just tie it with them, or V8? Negative, I'm going to send you down to the Nature Center. I want you down into Eaton Canyon.
Speaker 9:That's going to be off of Veranda Avenue, down inside the Nature Center. Off of Veranda Avenue, Engine 169, going to Nature Center off of Veranda Avenue, Engine 169. Going to Nature Center off of Veranda Avenue.
Speaker 13:Yes, you'll utilize V8. You'll be known as Nature Structure Defense.
Speaker 7:Nature Structure Defense.
Speaker 9:I see from Staff 3 on V3. Go ahead, I'm on scene off of Alcatina and Roosevelt Drive. Do you want me to handle one of those divisions of structure defense, elko?
Speaker 11:familiar.
Speaker 13:Command. Permission 33 assigned to structure defense 1. Command.
Speaker 8:Permission 33 assigned to structure defense 1.
Speaker 7:All right go for Elko Additional units on. Canyon Close and Fox Ridge.
Speaker 8:We're going to get additional three to five units on Canyon Close and Fox Ridge. We're going to get additional 3 to 5 units on Canyon Close and Fox Ridge.
Speaker 11:Elko Helicenter 5 was dispatched. Are they still needed?
Speaker 7:That's a negative. 8, cancel.
Speaker 11:Copy Helicenter 5,. Cancel your response.
Speaker 13:Traffic for.
Speaker 9:IT, it from Staff. 3. Copy my traffic. You want me to take a division or structure defense group. That's affirmed.
Speaker 14:What's your current location?
Speaker 9:Alcadena Drive, Roosevelt.
Speaker 8:I'll be in the driver of the bill.
Speaker 13:I want you to work with 732 Structure Defense 1.
Speaker 9:That's Captain Forrest. Structure Defense 1, you copy.
Speaker 13:Copy Structure Defense 1. Their location do they have a tax?
Speaker 9:They're on B8. B8. Copy Victor 8, I'll find them.
Speaker 13:Be advised we are relocating the command post to Farnsworth Park. Farnsworth Park on North Lake in Altadena, post to station 11.
Speaker 8:Command Minster 33, command Min Street 33. Confirm me if you copy my request for additional 5 engines on Canyon Close.
Speaker 13:Identify requesting 5 additional engines on Canyon. Close Copy Nature Structure Defense. I see you on command.
Speaker 7:Go ahead for nature structure defense.
Speaker 12:How are you?
Speaker 7:looking down there. Hey, ic, we're just making access right now getting past the gate.
Speaker 13:Copy Break any unit in staging Advise IC from strike team 11-12-12, alpha, la County. I got five rigs here at Altadena and Lake.
Speaker 16:IC ANS engine 334, v3.
Speaker 13:1112 Alpha from IC a leader. Why don't you go ahead and go up into the canyon? Why don't you start spreading your rigs out as best as possible? I want to put a couple rigs down in nature, go for 19-1 and 19-2. And then along Altadena Drive. And then along Altadena Drive. I see from 11-12 Alpha copy spread my units out along Altadena Drive. We'll be working off B-8, is that correct? Yeah, that's correct 334,. I'm beat Break ANF rig arriving on scene.
Speaker 16:advise ANF I'm getting 334, he's on scene.
Speaker 13:Battalion 10 A&F. A&f. 334 is on scene. Battalion 10, go for Battalion 4. Hey, 11-12 Alpha units, we're going to go along Altadena Drive and drop you guys each off along Altadena Drive where we find any good work.
Speaker 7:Hell call from LA 25, you see that traffic.
Speaker 16:Patience, ANF engine. All right, I got a fire.
Speaker 7:Eden. I see Helco.
Speaker 12:I'll come in Helco, go ahead.
Speaker 7:Yeah, eden, I see your fire's making a strong push to the east, skirting along out to Dena, and then we'll be pushing parallel with New York, suggesting Kenilowa and Mesa Road will be your next priority. Watch out in front of your fire line there. Impact shortly on the Kenaloa Canyon.
Speaker 13:All right, copy that Along Kenaloa Canyon area. Try to get some rigs in there. Break any unit on scene. Looking for assignment Advise. Operations ANF. Engine 334. Anf Engine 334. Anf Engine 334,. I'm going to send you up into the Kinaloa Canyon area and you'll be working for Structure Defense Number 5, which is going to be ANF Engine 310. Tie in with them and see where you can get yourself plugged in.
Speaker 7:I see you from County Battalion 10.
Speaker 14:Battalion 10, go ahead. Excuse me that's operations.
Speaker 7:I'm in place up in.
Speaker 13:Kinaloa. Do you have an assignment for me over here now? I also have Water Tender 32 with me. All right, battalion 10, I'm going to assign you Kinaloa to structure defense. I'm just going to start plugging in resources. I had that originally assigned to Structure Defense 5, which is ANF 310. If you can assume, kinaloa, structure Defense.
Speaker 7:Copy that. Kinaloa Structure Defense and what attack would you like me to work on? Kinaloa IC from Helco on command.
Speaker 12:Helco, go ahead.
Speaker 7:Also a recommendation for evacuations on TAS on Semisys TAS-E019 TAS-E019.
Speaker 13:Alright, that is T as in Tom A-S or P-A-S E109. Question 019, 019. P-a-s 019,. I copy.
Speaker 7:E9C Nature structure protection Go ahead. Hey, the Nature Center is threatened. We do have flames, probably about 100 yards out.
Speaker 9:We could use a handful of rigs up here right now.
Speaker 13:We've probably got about 20 minutes max. All right, nature Defense. I copy I'll get you some resources when I can Need some structure defense too. Structure defense too. Go ahead On B3. We're on scene. You got anything for us. Last unit arriving on scene Advise. It's going to be ANF Engine 512. Anf Engine 512, I'm going to have you come down New York and I'm going to plug you into the equestrian park. This fire is going to start impacting this New York. Drive the equestrian park off of New York.
Speaker 13:Copy that we're in route. Ic ANS 321. 321, go for IC. You have an assignment for us? Affirmative, I'm going to assign you along New York Drive to the east of Altadena. I want you just to patrol this area and just engage where you can Take areas of opportunity. That seems going to impact in probably about 5-10 minutes 321, copy that.
Speaker 9:Do we have a technical frequency?
Speaker 13:You can utilize V8. Utilize V8. Go for IC.
Speaker 14:Yeah, squad 12. Alright, copy that.
Speaker 8:Squad 11. Ic little tee hot shots on 3. Go for IC.
Speaker 7:IC there's a little tee hot shots were on scene here off of Glen Canyon at the heels of the fire. What are you wishing?
Speaker 13:Alright, I just want to confirm have you engaged anywhere?
Speaker 15:Negative Just putting up to the heel here off of Lincoln.
Speaker 13:Go for IC. Alright, copy that 229 King Cave, 229, 17 King Cave. Once I resourced on scene, I'll advise Go for IC. Yeah, that's affirmative. We're reconciling out with ANF, gonna go unified. They're setting up the CP right now. Break battalion 4, ic Eaton.
Speaker 7:IC Nature structure defense Go ahead.
Speaker 9:Eaton IC. We had to bail out.
Speaker 7:Fire's overrun Looks like it's going to be touching the Nature Center pretty soon. We're at Veranda and Altadena.
Speaker 13:Okay, copy that. You had to come out of there and I just want to confirm you're the only ones in there. Let's see if we can do some fire front following in there once it kind of impacts that area.
Speaker 8:I confirm.
Speaker 4:Hi this is Eden. I'm on scene. Where's your command post located?
Speaker 13:On command.
Speaker 16:Hey, I'm at Kinaloa and Eaton right next to Station 66.
Speaker 13:There's two utility trucks that just showed up. Station 66 is threatened. The whole community up here is being evacuated, but there's fire that's coming right up in our CD center. If you have anything available, I got engine 512 that's actually just pulling up right now. Alright, I can do that. If you can put 512 to work, we can call them. We can put a structure defense in place on them.
Speaker 4:IC from Battalion 22,. I'm on scene. Do you have an assignment? Do you have an assignment?
Speaker 13:Battalion 22. I see, go ahead and tie in with me. I'll be in the.
Speaker 4:Oracle parking lot at Altadena in New York.
Speaker 13:Copy that I see from LA County Assistant 9 on V3. Go ahead, I see, if you feel the feel, the need we got to pull a trigger on more resources, let's go ahead and get them ordered up. Yeah, that's a firm. I'm gonna go ahead and order an additional 20 engines, and of any type.
Speaker 7:I see from structure defense 2 on.
Speaker 13:V3.
Speaker 12:Go for IC. We have fire crest and over. I'm headed towards fire crest right now.
Speaker 13:I have you with me. Sorry, copy Break.
Speaker 11:LA Eaton IC on command V3.
Speaker 13:Eaton IC go for LA. All right, I would like to make a request for 10 strike teams, any type. 10 strike teams any type and or 20 engines immediate need. United Seagull confirm 10 strike teams any type 20 engines, immediate need 34 on V3. Yes, that's affirmed.
Speaker 11:Copy.
Speaker 15:IC from.
Speaker 13:Superintendent 19. Go for IC. Yes, sir, you're going to have an immediate structure.
Speaker 12:Threat to Fire Station 66. If you can send us some engines over here, please.
Speaker 13:Affirmed. I don't have anybody on scene right now. Brake A&F engine parked at Altadena in Washington Advice. I see that's gonna be 512. I'm still down here with them, but we only have one engine right now. They're setting up Alright. Copy. Brake engine, la assistant 6. 3,. I see, I see A. I see this is our tender 225.
Speaker 15:On scene looking for an assignment.
Speaker 13:Hey, I'm going to send you over to LA County Engine 66's area, passing into Battalion 31. Eden, I see from Battalion 4. Go ahead for passing to Battalion 31. Hey, I'm set up here in unified command with the Forest at Farnsworth Park. I'd like to redesignate you as operations and we'll take the IC from here at the IC command post. Okay, I copy that. I want to just confirm that we're unified with PD, that we have evacuations occurring all throughout this incident, even south of New York Drive, and I'm going to need put a request in for 20 immediate engines and 10 strike teams, if we can get resources rolling here that's what I need right now.
Speaker 13:LA. This is 6. La assistant six LA go Affirming 20 engines immediate need and 10 strike, 10 type 1 strike teams. Yeah, that's affirmed. I'll take anything right now.
Speaker 14:LA show assistant six and route the the.
Speaker 13:Cincinnati 76. La Eden IC. If you haven't started the second alarm, go ahead and start the second alarm. Staging is at New York and Altadena.
Speaker 11:And I'll take the first in engine as a staging manager, eden IC copy Staging at New York and Altadena with the first in engine as a staging manager Aten, I see copy staging at New York.
Speaker 12:and now to Dena with the first in engine as a staging manager I see ANF 321. Aten I see Angeles water tender 225 on scene looking for an assignment.
Speaker 13:Water tender on scene. Advise for operations ANF water tender 225 scene. Looking for an assignment Water Tender 225, do you have pumping capabilities and can you stretch lines? I'd like to keep you in this area of New York and Altadena. The fire's impacting New York. That's affirmative Pumping capabilities. We're no hose.
Speaker 13:Operations from LA County. Assistant 9 on V3 direct. What's your location? I'm going to tie in with you. Assistant 9 from Operations. I am in the area of Altadena and New York. Can you repeat the address, Altadena? What I can meet you at Altadena in New York.
Speaker 15:That's the one NS23 on V3.
Speaker 13:Copy that. Altadena in New York. What's your ETA there? Canyon IC, deputy 31. Deputy 31 from operations Deputy 31. Deputy 31 from Operations go ahead Ops. I got BC-11 with Forestry here. He's gonna make his way to you at Altadena and New York Drive, correct? Yeah, that's affirmed. Operations from Water Center 34.
Speaker 6:Operations from Water Center 34. Go for off, I see from Water Center 34, we're about 2-3 out.
Speaker 8:Where do you want us?
Speaker 13:I'm going to set you up down in New York just west of I'm sorry, just east of Altadena.
Speaker 8:Copy New York, east of Altadena.
Speaker 7:Operations from Kimilo structure.
Speaker 13:You got some houses down below. If you can get inside there too, check that out.
Speaker 4:Operations from Battalion 22 on command.
Speaker 13:Go for operations.
Speaker 4:Hey, I'm going to stay along New York Drive. Here I'm going to go ahead and gather these resources and I'll let you know what my additional needs are. You just drove through it. You see the ember cast and the structure defense issues we have.
Speaker 13:Yeah, that's affirmed Battalion and I'm sorry. Give me your battalion number again, please 22,. Do you want my designated to be? I'm going to call you New York Structure Defense, battalion 22, if you can reconcile those resources and advise what you have down there.
Speaker 4:But you'll be New York Structure Defense.
Speaker 13:Copy that. And what tack are we working on?
Speaker 4:I believe, I pushed those resources all on V8, but we also had V12, if you need V12.
Speaker 13:I'll copy that. I'll leave it as V8 now. I'll let you know if I have problems. Copy and I'm tender 34. 08 as well. They're a tactical water tender. Water tender 34. Break on V3, which is battalion 22.
Speaker 8:LA County, battalion 10, from Pasadena, battalion 3. Operation, I mean I'm going to lower the strength.
Speaker 15:when you have it, get some engines for structure protection at 66, at 66. Aic ANF at 66, on V36.
Speaker 13:AIC ANF engine 23,. On V3. Anf engine you have traffic for operations.
Speaker 14:Yes sir, we're on scene, we're at the corner of New York City.
Speaker 13:Sedina correction, new York, and over on other. Alright, I'm going to copy that. I'm going to sign you over to fire station 66, which is over off of Kenilow, new York area. Go to fire station 66 and plug in over there.
Speaker 14:To engine station 66.
Speaker 8:Operations LA County Strike Team 1141.
Speaker 14:Let's see what we're using.
Speaker 9:We're using 15 KM 41. I see Canyon Close structure defense on 53.
Speaker 13:Canyon Close structure defense. Go for operations.
Speaker 9:Hey, operations from Canyon Close just to clean it up. I can give you my resources. Uh, I am structure defense group on Canyon Close. If you want them, I can give you all my resources to clean it up. I can give you my resources. Uh, I am structure defense group on Canyon closed. If you want them, I can give you all my resources to clean it up.
Speaker 13:That's for I'm going to give me your resources.
Speaker 9:County Patrol 66 Pasadena, 732, pasadena 733. County Agent 5 County is Engine 82, squad 11, crew 41, anf 334, and ANF 332. All on Canyon Close.
Speaker 13:Copy that You've noticed Canyon Close, Thresher Defense.
Speaker 8:Operations LA County Strike Team 1141.
Speaker 9:Eaton. I see County Engine 169. We're on El Altadena, just north of Veranda. We have about 10 homes threatened. I'm with just a three-man crew. Do you want to give me an assignment or give me some crews, please?
Speaker 13:Engine 169,.
Speaker 7:What's your location again, please la engine 169 we're at 1780 altadena, between veranda and eaton or canyon close all right strike team arriving on scene advice operations.
Speaker 13:If that was for la county strike team, 1141 foxtrot I am in the area and I will have all my patrols available to you shortly. All right, I copy that. Do you copy the request? At 1780 Altadena Drive, you can go time with the engine up there.
Speaker 8:Copy that We'll be with engine 169. Break engine 169,. What tack frequency are you on?
Speaker 9:Below Break engine 169,. What tack frequency are you on? Hello, hey Chief, I'm on B8. Operations helispot 82 alpha 82 alpha.
Speaker 14:Go for ops.
Speaker 9:Do you need us to sit on this helispot? I'm gonna hold you there for a time break. Do you need us to sit on this helo spot?
Speaker 13:I'm going to hold you there for a time break. Helco Operation G still up.
Speaker 14:LA Engine 42 on V3,. Add us to the fire the 66's. We're in the area.
Speaker 11:Engine 42 copy.
Speaker 4:NIC Angeles with aircraft information help. Air attack 51 en route with the 19-30.
Speaker 8:We got Rennie evacuating everything on command.
Speaker 13:Traffic for operations on command. Go ahead, hey operations. So I'd like to hello.
Speaker 17:Battalion 16 is in the area of your incident the giant six from la your truck's broken, say again ally battalion 16 added me to the eaton incident copy the add me to the Eaton incident. Copy Battalion 16 to the Eaton LA also add Assistant 8 to the Eaton incident. Please Copy Assistant 8. Operation is Water.
Speaker 13:Center 34. Eaton I Operation 4 on command.
Speaker 8:Confirming you wanted us to tie in with Battalion 22.
Speaker 5:So what is that?
Speaker 13:Flower, 10 to 34,. That's affirmative. You're working for Battalion 22, which is New York Structure Defense. On V8. Copy, V8. Operation. Helco, you're on command. Helco, go for ops. Helco, are you on command?
Speaker 7:Helco go for ops. Yeah, operations. Helco's going to go ahead and return to Martin. We're getting pushed around quite a bit, but last recommendation is an evac for LACE 183.
Speaker 13:Lac E183, confirming Affirm Copy. I see operations.
Speaker 8:In operations. Those are on command.
Speaker 13:I see operations on command. Eden Operations, ANF, Water Tender. 225 on command. Go for Operations Water Tender yes, sir, we're looking for a Simon one on the corner of Altadena and New York Drive. Copy that's Water, Tender 225. Affirmative ANF 225. Copy Break Kinaloa Structure Defense Operations On command Eaton Operations from Eaton IC On command IC from Operations. I just want to confirm that you got the evac request for LAC E183 and the other one was PAS 109 from Helco. Repeat those again, lac. What was the first one and second one? E is an.
Speaker 13:Edward 183 and the second one was PAS 109. Got it. Lac, e183 and Pasadena 109, mandatory order evacuation E-9C. On Operations on command, I just want to reiterate leaders in 10, from the overhead that's starting to arrive. We're in live priority mode. Keep your units mobile. We are not anchoring in. All focus is on live priority.
Speaker 7:Operations from Kenalola structure.
Speaker 13:Kenalola structure operations go ahead. Do we have any available units we could use up on Glen Springs? That's impinging on a bunch of houses. We got it all evacuated. But if we have any units, Kilo structure defense. I got a water tender. It's gonna be a nf225. I'm gonna send them up to you. That's all I got right now copy.
Speaker 7:I've got a water tender, but I need engines, that's all Alright.
Speaker 13:I copy that. Any engines arriving on scene, advise I see from structure defense 2. Structure defense 2, are you calling operations? That's affirmative.
Speaker 14:Structure defense 2, go ahead.
Speaker 15:We also need to see if you have people coming in trying to steal stuff.
Speaker 14:Copy that.
Speaker 13:Very icy operations. You call that request for PD up in structure fence to the area. I'll get your street standby. Hey, ops from battalion three. I was trying to hail battalion 10 who's doing structured offense. Um, this fire's starting to wrap around. We need to get them evacuated soon. We have units down protecting 66, but the fire's starting to wrap around battalion three. I copy that you're over there at 66's area. Stand by, I'm going to give you assignment. I'm going to plug in all the resources to you that's in that area. Stand by. We got Battalion 10 who's already plugged in over here. I'm just trying to hail him to make sure he's got eyes. It's starting to wrap around him. He's got ANF rigs 3110, 28, 13, la County 19, and Watertender 32.
Speaker 15:This is Battalion 10. Are you trying to contact me?
Speaker 13:Yeah, battalion 10, I just want you to know. We got fire now below you. It's starting to wrap around. It's coming around 66s and the Civil Defense Center. I just want to make sure you got a good lookout so you don't get stuck up there. And the Civil Defense Center. I just want to make sure you got a good lookout so you don't get stuck up there. Copy it's getting pretty thick up here and I don't have any engines, so we've done our best evacuating. We'll have to start pulling out of here. Okay, I copy that. Why don't you come down by 66? I got Battalion 16 here right now as well.
Speaker 14:Copy I got battalion 16 here right now as well.
Speaker 17:Copy.
Speaker 13:Eat night defense battalion 10 operations Time to go. Good pricey, this is the time go ahead Cleared for IC Canyon close structure defense operations.
Speaker 9:Copa Canyon close structure. Defense on Victor 3.
Speaker 13:Hey, do you have any resources that you can break away?
Speaker 9:No negative at this time. Getting close is pretty well impacted here, with a couple of structures threatened, a couple on fire.
Speaker 14:Alright, I copy.
Speaker 13:Eaton. I see LA Sankey 16 and Route 30, meet EJ LA Quint 166,.
Speaker 17:We're available in fives. Do you need any help with structure protection?
Speaker 13:Copy Quint 166 is available in fives Operations from Battalion 16. I'm on scene. I'm on Eaton Canyon in Kinaloa.
Speaker 8:What do you need?
Speaker 13:I need them Battalion 16 from Operation Stand by one.
Speaker 14:Ops.
Speaker 13:Ninja 42 staged Ops, 42 from Ops. What's your location? We're on New York and Creekside, just near Eaton Canyon. Copy that I need you to report to Kinaloa Structure Defense. That's Battalion 10. I believe they're on V8.
Speaker 14:Copy that Ops come in, I'll leave there on V8.
Speaker 15:Copy that Officer command.
Speaker 11:LA Squad 29 on command.
Speaker 13:Battalion 22, New York York structure defense from operations. Do you need additional resources or can you free up some people?
Speaker 4:Negative ops, I'm gonna need additional. I've got a complex on Creekside Drive that I'm gonna need some protection on.
Speaker 13:New York structure defense. Copy that when you get a chance. I need to run down to your resources. Break Canyon Cross structure defense. Can you free any resources?
Speaker 9:New York, New York.
Speaker 13:New York structure of defense man at 321.
Speaker 9:321, go ahead for operations. Yeah, operations. You have fire inside of the courthouse community.
Speaker 13:Can you give me that address?
Speaker 9:It's just east of Alcadena Drive. On the south side of the road, the Creekside Courthouse Community.
Speaker 17:Eaton ICLA.
Speaker 4:Operations from New York Structure Group on V3.
Speaker 13:New York Structure Defense. That should be in your area. Can you handle that? Meet up with 321.
Speaker 13:I copy and I need additional. When you can Copy that Break Battalion 16, operations Go ahead. What's your location? Are you at Kinaloa and Kinclare Drive? I was at Kinaloa and Eaton and I just came up outpost to take a look at what we have. We do have some structures up here. Copy. That's the same location that Kinaloa Structured Defense Group is. See what you need up there and get back to me and then I'll make you a Structured Defense Group once you tell me what you need Copy.
Speaker 15:Copy LA Assistant 4 on scene of the closed incident.
Speaker 17:Assistant 4 copy on scene.
Speaker 15:Operation Assistant 4, command.
Speaker 13:Assistant 4 from Operations go ahead.
Speaker 15:I'm Assistant 4, I don't recommend pulling anybody out of Kinaloa. I understand the fire is up beneath the structure here, but we can use a lot of resources up here for a structure defense mission. I've got battalion 10 with me right now.
Speaker 13:Copy that. Once I get more resources I'll push them up to you guys in that area. Ops from Battalion 3. Battalion 3, go ahead.
Speaker 8:What's your current location?
Speaker 13:We are parked at Allen and Washington. We are parked at Allen and Washington.
Speaker 17:I copy Operations is now at Allen and Washington En route to you.
Speaker 13:Squad 19L8. Eden. Operations from Eden IC on command Go ahead Rob.
Speaker 4:Operations from.
Speaker 13:I'm going to need your designated location is we do have a Operations. Your designated location is at Allen and we're looking to get a to my cell of where you have resources assigned so we can start to get our arms around the resources here at the command post. That's exactly what we're trying to do right now. We're trying to reconcile the resources everybody we got.
Speaker 14:I copy that Is this Gigi.
Speaker 13:Yes, it is. I'm co-located with Pasadena Fire Operations. I copy that we have a second alarm from the county, a Pasadena response and an ANF response. Are you going to need a third alarm? That's affirmative. I do know. We have an order in for 10 strike teams. Eden IC Water Center 210, v3.
Speaker 15:Office. This is 4, we can use another attack frequency. Request an attack frequency for Kinclade.
Speaker 13:Correction for Kenaloa Copy that I'll get additional tacks, but we need to reconcile some resources before we start divvying them out. Break IC from Ops. Can you order two additional tacks? Ic copy two additional tacks and you have your staging at New York and Altadena. Have we designated a staging manager yet? No, we have not. I copy that. I copy your order for 10 type 1 strike teams. I'm going to go ahead and balance this to a third alarm with the addition of the 10 additional Type 1 strike teams. La Eaton, ic on command.
Speaker 17:Eaton, go for LA.
Speaker 13:We're going to balance this to a third alarm brush. Staging is at New York and Altadena. We're still working on getting a staging manager and confirming. In addition to the third alarm, we have an additional order for 10 Type 1 strike teams.
Speaker 4:Operations Battalion 22,. New York Group on V3. Ops from New York Group on V3.
Speaker 13:Okay, unit calling Ops Go ahead. Okay, you're going to be calling ops Go ahead.
Speaker 4:Hey, it's New York Structure Group. I'm on Creekside Court. I still have residents in their home. I need sheriff for emergency evac right now.
Speaker 13:Copy that Break IC. Can you go ahead If we haven't already started? Can you go ahead? If we haven't already started, can you go ahead? I need to get a law branch going for EVACs. I copy we have law representatives here at the command post and we're getting the law branch going. If you can give me the Genesis names of the evacuation orders that you need, we can facilitate that. You're going to go. Can you go ahead and pull it up and we're going to swag it right across Pinecrest, down Allen, across Altadenaena to Brendo. I'll try to pull them up in a minute. Right now we're trying to wreck it all the way down to New York. We've got to go all the way down to New York.
Speaker 13:I copy that with the Genesis. I'll flag it based on the Pinecrest Allen, altadena area and put those in for a mandatory order area. And, uh, put those in for a mandatory order. Okay, here's something to start with. We need pas e018, pas e019, pas017, altadena Middle. Lost the End I see from Ops. Did you copy that? La Quint 166, we've been attached to the brush in 12. Help on structure protection. We'll be on B8.
Speaker 17:Quint 166, copy added to the structure in 12.
Speaker 8:LA engine 168 on B3.
Speaker 17:168, go ahead on V3.
Speaker 13:168, go ahead. We just cleared a run in fives. We're 12 minutes out from the brush in 66s. I heard it go to a third. You can put us on that. We're on a wires down in 87s with a 30-minute ETA. Put someone else on the wires down. You can stay on the wires.
Speaker 13:Operations 1141, when available 1141, go ahead. Yeah, I got multiple single resources over here with me. I'd like to reconcile with you. I've got some needs and some unassigned folks. Go ahead, I'm ready when you are Okay. I've got all the 1141 Foxtrot patrols with me. I have engine 169. I have Forest Service water tenders 210 and 255, and. La County, Quint. 166. We're taking care of homes on New York Correction, on Alta Dena, just north of New York, and we have a home it looks like on Vernauta Avenue.
Speaker 13:And I have no resources over there at this time copy that 1141, 169, anf, 210, 255, quentin, 166, and you're at new york and altadena and you're at New York and Altadena Operations from 1141.
Speaker 8:Be advised, I could use two Type 1 engines for structure defense. House is threatened on.
Speaker 13:Veranada and I have not been given a designator for structure defense. Copy that Do you have a? Street you recommend. I can make you structure defense. How about Varanata? Copy that Varanata structure defense Operations from Kinaloa I could use another strike team if you have anything.
Speaker 16:Eden.
Speaker 13:Operations from LA County. Battalion 3, B3. Battalion 3, go ahead.
Speaker 16:Hey, check your techs. Let me know if that could work for you or not. I'm in Alhambra right now.
Speaker 7:Structure 2. Operations from Kenaloa structure.
Speaker 13:Kenaloa structure go ahead from ops. Do you have any more engines I can get? We have nobody right now. We're trying to freeze them up. Copy that Two. Copy that Two, two. Eaton Operations, la County. Battalion 44 on command. Battalion 44, go prop. Are you guys still located at Allen in Washington? That's affirmative Stump. We're trying to reconcile these resources and start bunching them up together. Okay, 5 to 7 out there. I'll meet you guys there and do a face-to-face.
Speaker 8:Okay, five to seven out there. I'll meet you guys there and do a face-to-face LA from Inter74, do you have a staging location for the Eaton Eaton staging? Is New York and Altadena.
Speaker 13:Inter74, copy.
Speaker 10:Operations from IC on command. Will you have a moment? Ic go ahead.
Speaker 13:IC from ops go ahead. Operations from Assistant 8,. I'm on scene at Alpedena in New York. Do you need anything here? You want me to check in with the ICP. Can you check in with the ICP for now? Yeah, you're good.
Speaker 14:Station this is.
Speaker 15:S-2. I see you from.
Speaker 14:Assistant 6. La this Mission 17. 8 and IC Assistant 6.
Speaker 13:Operations from Alvinata.
Speaker 15:Structure Defense.
Speaker 8:Verona go ahead can I get another tap frequency for my structured defense group? We got people step on each other quite a bit copy that.
Speaker 13:Let's go ahead and give you V12 break. Kinaloa structure you're going to be on V12 also. Let's move your resources to V12 with Verona structure defense.
Speaker 7:Copy that. I'll switch everybody over to V12.
Speaker 14:LA IC on command.
Speaker 13:Water tender 87 on scene.
Speaker 17:EGIC LA go ahead.
Speaker 8:Operations Assistant 6. Assistant 6, go ahead.
Speaker 14:I'm trying to locate you and see what your needs are.
Speaker 13:Go ahead and head to the command post.
Speaker 14:for now, Where's the command post located? I'm at Eaton. I'm sorry, altadena in New York.
Speaker 8:Assistant 6 from Eaton.
Speaker 14:IC command post is located at Farnsworth Park at Concha and Lake.
Speaker 13:Copy Farnsworth Park LA. You and IC on command.
Speaker 7:Go for LA.
Speaker 17:Like to request two additional attack frequencies.
Speaker 15:Copy two additional attacks.
Speaker 13:Ops. This is for you were scared of attack. For the Caneloa group.
Speaker 15:That's affirmative. You're going to be on V-12. V-12. Okay, copy V-12.
Speaker 13:I can clean up the resources for you if you want.
Speaker 15:Yes, when you get a chance. All right, I'm just going to assume the Kincaid group. I've got the town. 10 a nef engine, 310, a nef engine, 328, a nef engine, 13 engine 66 engine 19 and, I believe, pasadena 705.
Speaker 13:I believe, pasadena 705.
Speaker 15:Can you repeat those first engines A&F engine 13,.
Speaker 13:A&f engine 310, A&F engine 328, county engine 19, county engine 66, Pasadena engine 705, and Baton 10.
Speaker 15:Copy that You're going to assume command of Kinaloa Structure Defense.
Speaker 13:That's affirmative Operations from Rana Structure defense. Let's go ahead and change you to Rana, shorten it up RANA Structured Defense.
Speaker 8:Copy. We can also go with NADA Structured Defense Much easier.
Speaker 13:I like it. Go ahead and give me your resources Copy. I have the patrols from 1141 Foxtrot, engine 169, point 166. I also have Forest Service water tender 210 and 225 with no assignment. Be advised that we have houses on the north side of Veranada and the fire is going to push continually west into the structures. Copy that Veranada.
Speaker 9:Operating Hain Coast structure defense Victor 3. 18, can you close structure defense.
Speaker 13:Victor 3. Let's rename you to close structure defense.
Speaker 9:Go ahead. Can you close structure defense on Victor 3? I got A&F 241 available. I can pass them off to you.
Speaker 17:Can you close now 18,. I see you.
Speaker 13:Air Force 1, you're closed now. A&f 41, going to NADA Structure Defense Group. He can reach them on B-12.
Speaker 9:Copy A&F 41 going to NADA Structure Defense Group B-12.
Speaker 7:Operations Watertender 87.
Speaker 13:Go ahead. 87. Just letting you know, we're on scene and we are on Altadena and Veronada. We're not technically assigned to anybody yet, so if you want to plug us in where you can, it looks like they have some structures going here on the north side. Copy that I'm going to go ahead and assign you to NADA structure defense. Report to NADA structure defense V12. V12. Report to NADA structure defense V12. V12.
Speaker 12:NADA structure V12.
Speaker 13:Operations from structure of Defense 2. Defense 2, go ahead. I could use some more resources up here at a pinecrest, if I need, because I do have trying to break into homes up here. Copy that. Can you go ahead and give me a rundown of your resources?
Speaker 12:Copy 14. Copy that. Can you go ahead and give me a rundown of your resources I got la county engine 11, la county 12.
Speaker 8:zamorino, engine 91 and passage control 38 and la county squad 19. Saving from Intercity 4. We're unseen. Do you have an assignment for us? We're at Hata, dina and New York Operations unit calling operations go ahead. Operations N-74 is on scene. Do you have an assignment for us?
Speaker 13:74, stand by one. 16 for your assistant. 4, go ahead NADA structure.
Speaker 8:Defense from operations.
Speaker 15:Assistant 4, go ahead for 16. Hey, gino V V12, rather V12.
Speaker 13:On it Operation.
Speaker 17:Engine 129, switch to command 34.
Speaker 13:Engine 129, switch to command 34. Eton operations from LA County engine 22 on scene. Do you have an assignment? Unit calling operations go ahead Operations. La County engine 22 is on scene. Do you have an assignment? That's affirmative, go ahead and go to Kindaloa Structured Defense Group on V12. V12.
Speaker 7:Control 74, on scene engaging regressor timing.
Speaker 13:Eaton operations Eaton IC on command. Eaton Operations from LA County Engine 8, we're on scene. It's staging. Let us know if you have an assignment. La Deputy, I'm on scene. Engine from operations. Go ahead and report to Kinaloa Structure Defense Group on V12.
Speaker 12:Confirmed that was for Engine 8,. Report to Kinaloa.
Speaker 7:Kinaloa Ops Engine 5141 V3. Engine 5141V3.
Speaker 13:Eaton Operations 164, checking in at New York. And.
Speaker 12:Altadena.
Speaker 13:LA Eaton, I see. Eaton, go ahead I have a request in for two additional tacks.
Speaker 17:If you can help us out with that, Copy we're working on the two tacks right now.
Speaker 13:I copy that and just for your awareness, we have put orders in with the EOC for multiple genesis zones.
Speaker 17:Copy multiple genesis zones For the mandatory evacuation orders. Copy for the mandatory evacuation.
Speaker 7:Nops engine 5141, v3.
Speaker 13:5141,. Go ahead, I'm at 1552 Alta Dena engaging.
Speaker 7:Who am I reporting to?
Speaker 13:You're going to report to NADA Structure Defense. He's going to be on V12.
Speaker 7:Copy NADA Structure Defense V12.
Speaker 13:Eaton Operation, eaton IC. I have your attacks for you.
Speaker 17:Eaton IC LA.
Speaker 13:Go for Eaton IC.
Speaker 17:Eaton IC. We have a report of two structures in danger 1-5-5-8, north Altadena Drive. Report of a house on fire and a fire in the backyard at 2625 McGuire Drive.
Speaker 13:Eaton, I see you Repeat the first resident 1558 North Altadena Drive 1558 North Altadena Drive. I copy 1558 North Altadena Drive and 2625 McLeod Eaton Operations from ICD Copy.
Speaker 12:those addresses Eaton Operations from Incident 8,. Do you have an assignment?
Speaker 17:Eaton ICLA.
Speaker 13:Eaton Operations, la County Engine 5-4, on scene. La go for Eaton IC.
Speaker 17:Your two additional attacks are V7 direct and V13 direct.
Speaker 13:Eaton IC V7, v13 direct Eaton operations. You copy those attacks. All units hold traffic. Engine 54, what's your location? Are you at staging Engine 54, what's your location? Are you at staging Eaton Ops from LA County, engine 54. We're approaching staging now A couple blocks down.
Speaker 7:Copy that I want you to go to staging and establish staging and tell me who's in staging. Engine 54,.
Speaker 13:Coffee staging, engine 54. Copy. Staging Eaton operations, engine 163. Pulling up on the staging location Copy 163. If you're already there, I want you to assume staging area manager and start getting all the resources at your location operations for my seat.
Speaker 7:Just want to confirm you got your second, third, second I'm from Kinaloa Command.
Speaker 8:Command.
Speaker 15:Operation is from Kenaloa Group on command.
Speaker 13:Eaton Operation from Eaton IC emergency traffic on command.
Speaker 7:Go ahead with your emergency traffic.
Speaker 13:I have an immediate need. At 1350 North Altadena, flames impinging on a convalescent hospital. Evacuation's in progress. No fire department on scene. It's the Park Moreno Convalescent Hospital. Pd. Officer states flames impinging on the structure, staging, staging, staging from operations.
Speaker 16:Hey ops from LA County, Battalion 3. I'm in the area. I'll check out the 1358 North Altadena and your 1568 North Altadena. Get a confirmation on those.
Speaker 13:Copy that I have two resources. I'm going to head your way. I have engine 54 and engine 163. I'm going to have them meet you at 1350 Altadena.
Speaker 16:Hey, just have them. Hold that Canyon close and Altadena, I don't want them to plug in yet. Let me go get eyes on it first. Copy that Break.
Speaker 13:Engine 163, engine 54,. I want you to start heading to Canyon Close in Altadena and you're going to be reporting to Battalion 3.
Speaker 7:Ops from Engine 54,. You're broken. Can you let us know who we're reporting to again?
Speaker 13:Battalion 3.
Speaker 14:Eden Operations from Battalion 2 on Northbound Lake just north of Altadena. How can I help you?
Speaker 8:Stand by one please. Stand by one, please. E9c. This is 74, staging and ready for an assignment 74,.
Speaker 13:I'm going to make you a staging area manager. Staging area manager Operations from engine 22,. Where would you like us to find you? Engine 22 report to.
Speaker 8:Chris for Keegan. Chris for Keegan.
Speaker 4:Ops from New York structure group on V3.
Speaker 13:New York structure group Group on V3. New York.
Speaker 4:Structure Group go ahead. I went ahead and captured engine 8 and engine 61.
Speaker 13:I'm going to need three to four additional engines for immediate structure. Are you in?
Speaker 4:the area of 1350 Altadena.
Speaker 17:Stand by one, unite C. Unite CLA emergency traffic Go ahead for emergency traffic. Person stuck inside of a house at 1578 North Altadena Drive, mail 73, stuck in the house unable to evacuate. I can send a message to your NBC with the gate code if you want.
Speaker 13:Just go ahead and give me the gate code 1150.
Speaker 17:Just go ahead and give me the gate code 1150.
Speaker 13:Copy Battalion 3, did you copy that 1578 North Altadena Person stuck in the house? Gate code 50. Gate code 50. Hey, operations from assistant 8. I'm gonna jump on that for you, dusty, go ahead and pause on that. I'm gonna make you a division. I'm gonna make you division Zulu. You're gonna be division Zulu and you're gonna have all the way from New York north, all the way up out to Dena.
Speaker 13:And when you're ready, I'll give you all the structured defense groups that are in there. I need you to get with them and that's going to be your division, division Zulu, and you're going to be working off V8, v8. Operations from Engine 163, can you confirm the location you want us to go to? 1578, north Altadena, copy 1578, north Altadena, 1578 north of Altadena. What's your group? I'm not getting any resources from you or those structure defense groups, unless you just wanted to tell me All units, all units, stand by, stand by, break. Division 8, go ahead. Hey, assistant 8, what's your location? You can give me those resources for Division Zulu.
Speaker 13:Division 8, I'm going to make you Division Zulu. You're going to have Defense Group 2, Defense Group 3, close. Structure Defense Group 3, close Structure Defense Group. You'll have three Structure Defense Groups in your division. Copy Structure Defense Group 2, 3 and close. And that's from New York all the way to North Altadena, from New York all the way to north to Altadena. That's correct. Structured Defense Groups Division 2, 3, close. You are now reporting to Division Zulu on V8, and that is Division 8.
Speaker 8:Division 8, he is now going to assume command of division Zulu ops from the 916 operation from LA break division from operation operations from LA County battalion 3 with priority traffic.
Speaker 16:Go ahead, frank. Okay, we have where people actively engaging here at 1, 5, 7, 8, north alpadena. I have the 72 year old male in my vehicle. That cannot, that is non-ambulatory, and I'm headed over to the convalescent home and then I'll leave him at the IC.
Speaker 13:Copy that I assigned engine 54 and engine 163 to you. Okay, both of those engines have been pulled over. We're on the radio. What address do you want to go to From Pasadena, Battalion 3. All units stand by one. You're stepping on each other. Break Pasadena 3, go ahead. If you have units going to 1350 Convalescent Home, there's a long driveway. Go down all the way to the end of the driveway. Is the instructions I'm getting from our search and investigator?
Speaker 15:I'm headed there now.
Speaker 13:Copy that, thank you.
Speaker 7:Four, division Four from Operations on command 22 hold up. 22 hold up.
Speaker 13:Kinaloa Structure Defense Group from Operations on command.
Speaker 7:Go ahead for Kinala, Batine 10.
Speaker 13:Kenaloa, are you with Assistant 4? Can you see him?
Speaker 4:New York Structure Group go.
Speaker 8:He's just up ahead of me.
Speaker 13:Can you go do a face-to-face with him and tell him to get me on command? Operations Assistant 42 command.
Speaker 17:Eaton IC alright.
Speaker 13:LA go for Eaton IC.
Speaker 17:We're starting a FOAC for the convalescent home.
Speaker 7:LA Eden IC. I copy FOAC for the convalescent hospital. Appreciate that Quick update. Air attack 5-1 is going off station there are no air resources in the air.
Speaker 13:Currently it's too turbulent and current acreage is at 400.
Speaker 17:Copy no air on the fire at 400 acres.
Speaker 13:United States from Inter 154th Stadium.
Speaker 8:US Structure Protection fire control 34.
Speaker 4:Tube 19,. You have traffic for New York Structure Group.
Speaker 15:Operations Cantaloa Group on command, Are you?
Speaker 7:going to send some additional resources down the street side.
Speaker 13:Unit with traffic on command. Take it to TAC. Take it to TAC. Break Division 4 from Operations on command.
Speaker 15:Operations.
Speaker 13:This is Assistant 4, kinaloa Group on command. Assistant 4, I'm going to make you Division Alpha, division Alpha. You're going to have all of Kinaloa and we're going to have the division break at New York. So everything north of New York off of Kinaloa is going to be division alpha. You, you, you. Thank you for watching our MyBurbank video.
Speaker 2:Thank you for watching our MyBurbank video. Please consider a channel membership to support us, or head over to our merch store where you can pick up some great items. Also, make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the latest videos, and please don't forget to hit that like button.