myBurbank Talks
myBurbank Talks
The Week That Was and That Will Be - November 11, 2024
Unlock the mysteries behind Burbank's vibrant political landscape as we dissect last week's consequential elections and their broader implications. Who's leading the charge in the city council race, and what does that mean for local governance? Join us as Greg Schwartz, our celebrated Word of the Week winner, sets the stage for an insightful discussion. We unravel the unfolding narrative of the city council race, spotlighting Konstantine Anthony's bid for re-election and the nail-biting closeness between Chris Rizzotti and Judy Wilke. Get the scoop on the triumphant victories of Friedman, Nick Schultz, and other key figures who have decisively secured their congressional and assembly seats, leaving their Republican challengers in the dust. Also, discover how the passage of Measure A-B-C is set to reshape the Burbank School District with a significant influx of funds and a promise of transparency.
As the dust settles from election night, we delve into the impact of pivotal measures on Burbank's future. The repeal of Measure H via County Measure A has redefined the city's approach to funding homeless services, but what does it portend for the fiscal landscape? Meanwhile, the defeat of State Prop 33 leaves the question of rent control looming over the city council's ongoing efforts. Join us for a thorough examination of these developments and what they entail for Burbank's residents. With final votes on the horizon, stay with us as we continue to track these crucial changes and celebrate our community's engagement in shaping its future. Thank you for joining us on this journey through Burbank's political pulse.
My Burbank Talks presents another edition of the Week that Was and the Week that Will Be a weekly podcast featuring highlights and commentary on local events and issues taking place right here in Burbank. Now let's see what's on today's agenda as we join our program.
Speaker 2:Hello, burbank, thank you. Thank you for that nice round of applause and how are you doing this week, burbank? Well, it was an exciting week last week, wasn't it, with the election and everything. But before we start, as always, we have a humble request that you like this video and please subscribe to the channel so YouTube continues to recommend this video to others like yourself, and also think about a channel membership to support us here at MyBurbank. Last week's Word of the Week winner was Greg Schwartz. The word was electioned. Greg needs to send in his address so he can send out his gift card. And here is a bonus. Greg is also a paid member to our channel, so we will be enclosing a special my Burbank gift along with the gift card as a way of saying thank you for your monthly support.
Speaker 2:All right, let's get into. Last week and Tuesday, of course, it was election night. We're going to bring up our election results from last week also, so you can see them If you've been watching our channel at all. Last week also, so you can see them If you've been watching our channel at all, you've been seeing these on the channel, and there were nine candidates for city council. Let's come down to three person race. With ballots still to be counted, my Burbank projected current council member Constantine Anthony to be re-elected based on the vote dumps. Coming in the other seat is still too close to call, with Chris Rosati in front of Judy Wilkie by about 600 votes. Yes, it shows your vote is important Now. Friedman easily won a congressional seat vacated when Adam Schiff vied for the Senate seat. Instead of running again, burbank Mayor Nick Schultz will also be moving up the totem pole as he moves into the Freedmen's Assembly seat.
Speaker 2:All three won by convincing margins against their Republican opponents. The school board saw their measure A-B-Z win coming in with around 62% of the votes. At this point it only needed about 55% to win and has maintained or increased that percentage after every vote dumped. That means, with that win and the passing of State's Measure 2, there is a lot of money coming into the Burbank School District for improvements. The board has promised accountability and we will make sure there is just that moving forward. While Emily Weisberg did not appear on the ballot because she ran unopposed, she has been re-elected for another four-year term. In District 1, loretta Connell defeated Tom Crowder and in District 5, armand Agahanian turned away challenger Annie Markarian to retain his seat on the board. These are not official results, of course, because there are still votes to be counted, but they maintain the raised results in every vote done so far as of Sunday night.
Speaker 2:Two interesting things which I want to see play out. One is the passage of County Measure A. It repeals Measure H, which completely screwed over Burbank, and we will now pay a half-cent in sales tax for homeless services. Measure H was terrible for Burbank, with the city receiving only about 5% back of the money we paid into it, causing us to reach into our own budget to provide homeless services. Will we get our fair share now? Share now? It does not say how it will be decided but unlike Measure H, which has sunset clause, measure A can only end by a vote. So we are stuck with probably forever, as people will forget about it and just be designed to pay higher sales tax. The other was State Prop 33 that gave local cities controls over rent control. That did not pass, so we will see what that means to Burbank, with the council currently working on their own version of rent control for the city. The last of the votes is expected to be concluded by November 26th and I think it's around December 8th in that area, or December 12th, which they certify the election as over and done with.
Speaker 2:For those who watched our live election covers on YouTube, I say thank you. We initially had some audio doubling difficulties in the beginning, but got it worked out in our first live telecast. So once again, thank. Thank everybody very much for participating, for listening and for giving us a shot on that. Okay, let's come back here to the, come back here to the full camera shot here. There we go.
Speaker 2:So last Thursday Burbank High Baseball team held their second annual Appreciation Night for veterans. It was a great night with veterans honored, some nice raffle giveaways and high attendance. Both Vice Mayor Nikki Perez and Council Member Zezette Mullins dropped by to honor the veterans. Before the game between Grace Branson and Burbank On Friday, the first round of the CIF playoffs saw the Burbank Bulldogs defeat the Monrovia Wildcats 47-42 at Monrovia, as they continue their journey for a CIF championship, it was an exciting game that even saw a 15-minute delay for a power failure. The Bulldogs will now come back home to Memorial Field to take on Highland, who defeated Cerritos 21-17 in the first round. So go to the game. Go to the game. That's all I can tell you Okay, that's kind of it for the week that was. We're going to take, of course, our first commercial break and we're going to be back with you in just a second.
Speaker 3:Enjoying the show right now, thinking you may want to do your own podcast. Myburretalks is renting out our podcast studio on an hourly rate. You can do audio podcasts or both audio and video, and even bring in guests to talk with. We will help you get set up on podcast platforms and start a YouTube channel, and we can edit your productions to make you look and sound your very best. If you are arrested, please drop us an email at studiorentalsatmyburbankcom. That's studiorentalsatmyburbankcom, and we will get back to you. Now back to our show.
Speaker 2:Okay, thank you. Thank you everybody. Please, please sit down, not necessary. Thank you very much Once again, craig Shore, here with you and the Viber Bank Command Center election headquarters, of course, and we're going to go with the week that will be, and that starts with today. Today, of course, is Veterans Day and, as always, ceremonies will begin at 10.15 am at the War Memorial at McCambridge Park. This is a well-attended event and seating will be provided and, like Memorial Day, when we celebrate our veterans who have passed, veterans Day is a day that we celebrate and thank our living veterans who gave a piece of their lives to make America a free country and the best country in the world. Try and stop by today if you have the time. If not, seek out a veteran and thank them for their service. Tomorrow, on Tuesday, community Development Block Grant's Consolidation Plan Needs Assessment Community Meeting will be held at 1 pm. Through Zoom you can see the city's website for information on how to participate. The Burbank Cultural Arts Commission Visibility Committee meeting will be held at 345 of the Community Services Building. They will discuss and explore ideas and plans for the Visibility Subcommittee. Okay, the City Council is dark this week. On Wednesday, stem Cell Donor Registry event will be held from 8 am to 2 pm in the rear parking lot of the Burbank Police Department at 3rd and Orange Grove. On November 15, 2003, burbank Police Officer Matthew Pavelka made the ultimate sacrifice and was tragically killed during a traffic stop. Now Officer Pavelka's father, michael Pavelka, a 35-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department, is in the fight for his life and need of a blood stem cell donor to fight a rare cancer. They will team up with the National Marrow Donor Program in search of a match, so please try to stop by and help out. Okay, the Burbank Culture Arts Commission advocacy subcommittee will meet at 9.30 am at the Community Services Building and they will discuss and explore ideas and plans for the Advocacy Subcommittee. Okay, very good. The Board of Library Trustees will meet at 5.30 pm at the Central Library. They will discuss first a Civic Center Project update with Ken Berkman, a Library Services update, friends of the Library update and a Library Safety update. Moving on to Thursday, the Burbank Cultural Arts Commission will meet at 9 am at the Community Services Building and they will discuss a community arts grant program update and a utility box beautification program update and then get reports from all their subcommittees. Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan Needs Assessment Community Meeting. Can they come up with an easier name for that Holy cow? They'll have another meeting at 6 pm through Zoom so you can see the city's website info for information on how to participate and maybe they have an easier name for it. People will actually participate, who knows? The Park and Recreation Board will meet at 6 pm at City Hall. The board will receive an update on the status of the department's capital improvements projects. The board will also receive the latest developments in the ongoing update of the Georgia Isaiah Master Plan. The board will receive the latest developments in the ongoing update of the City Parks Master Plan. The Board will receive the latest developments in the ongoing update of the City Parks Master Plan and the Board will receive an update on the Urban Forest Master Plan.
Speaker 2:Friday there will be a moonlight. Oh, I didn't say, did I say moonlight? There we go. We now have our word of the week, which is, of course, moonlight, and you know what that means. Just send an email to contest at myberwickcom and put moonlight in the subject line and you'll enter for next week's gift card for $25. How can't you beat that huh Free to enter? Hopefully you win. You beat that huh Free dinner. Hopefully you win Anyhow. Moving on, so there'll be a moonlight hike from the Stout Canyon Nature Center at 6.15 on Friday, led by staff Saturday.
Speaker 2:Do you always forget to take a family photo? Or maybe you can't afford those expensive photo packages. Don't let another year go by without a treasured picture of you and your loved ones. Get the family together and let us snap a picture for you to remember this season for many years to come. It's free and easy. They've got a beautiful wintry backdrop to pose in front of and library staff on hand to snap your photo. Participants will receive their photos via email within the week following the event. Pre-registration for a specific time slot is highly recommended. All registrations open now, but walk-ins are welcome, or you can just take your family's picture and change the background in Canva or Photoshop. But I didn't say that. Okay, we've gotten to the end. Now Time for Craig's comment. It'll be a short one this week, but I think it's something that is important Now that the election's over.
Speaker 2:Let's end the hate speech now. Okay, it is still great to have your own opinions, but your opinion is just as correct to you as someone on the other side is to them Make a pledge that you will not write anything on social media. If your name is hidden, that you would not say to someone's face in person. I don't think it's really that tough to be a good person it really isn't but because of social media and everything else, the way people have to hide behind it, they think they can write whatever they want to write and not use their name. And now it's okay to attack people. No, it's not okay. Hate speech is still hate speech. We all need to get along and do things properly in this world. We need to work together in this city. We can't attack each other. So all I'm saying is, if you're going to say something, put your name to it or say it to somebody's face. Okay, at least have the guts to do that.
Speaker 2:Anyhow, that's my comment for the week, not a long one, but hopefully it's a pointed one for you. Please, once again, do not forget to subscribe and like this video and please, as always, consider that membership to the MyBurbank YouTube channel To keep us going so we can keep bringing you this content. That's it for another week. For the week that was and the week that will be. This is Craig Sherwood from the Election Control Center. We'll be back to our regular studio next week for those of you who care, which I doubt many of you. But what should I tell you? Anyhow, have a good week, make sure you thank a veteran today and let's be kind to each other. All right, we'll talk to you later. Bye.