myBurbank Talks
myBurbank Talks
The Week That Was and That Will Be - November 4
Ever wondered how a cell tower, a thrilling football game, and a World Series victory could all be connected in shaping a community? Join us for an insider's look at Burbank's dynamic happenings, where we tackle everything from the heated debate over Main Street's new cell tower to the challenges local authorities face with the Empire housing project and the Pickwick Project lawsuit. We promise you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of Burbank's pulse and the pressing issues at hand. Plus, we break down the Dodgers' exhilarating World Series win and the dramatic showdown between Burbank and Burroughs, uncovering their impact on league standings and local pride.
Voting matters, and we're here to remind you why. With the anticipation of election night in the air, we share personal stories of mail-in ballots and the excitement of receiving real-time election updates. Watch our live coverage on YouTube as we dissect local races and measures. Beyond politics, celebrate community spirit through events like the Burbank Athletic Federation meeting and the heartfelt veterans' recognition ceremony by the Burbank High Baseball Team. Your engagement fuels our efforts, so we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your support. Until next time, keep being an active part of our vibrant Burbank community!
My Burbank Talks presents another edition of the Week that Was and the Week that Will Be a weekly podcast featuring highlights and commentary on local events and issues taking place right here in Burbank. Now let's see what's on today's agenda as we join our program.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you everybody, thank you, thank you, thank you, as always. Please sit down. Thank you everybody, thank you, thank you, thank you, as always. Please sit down. Hello, burbank, craig Sherwin, here with you once again with another.
Speaker 2:The Week that Was and the Week that Will Be, coming to you from the my Burbank Command Center, which on Tuesday that's right, tomorrow is going to become the my Burbank Election Headquarters. We are going to attempt, attempt and hopefully it will work, starting at 8pm on Tuesday night, to go live and bring you the results from all the local elections. In fact, I can show you a little bit of the screen we have set up for you. It's going to look something like this, with all the different races and the vote counts, and we will update them as we get the updates. So please, starting at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, go to our YouTube channel and you will see us come on and we will update as the night goes on and keep you informed of all the local races. So let's see how that works. Let's hope how that works at least. So, anyhow, let's hope how that works at least. So, anyhow, let's get back to our. Let's get back to our show. Here, as always, we have a humble request that you like this video and please subscribe to the channel. So YouTube continues to recommend this channel to others like yourself and think about a channel membership to support us here at my Burbank. If you're listening on your podcast channels, please go to our YouTube channel and use subscribe there to get all our latest stuff.
Speaker 2:We put a ton of videos on besides the ones we put on the podcast, ones also which you can listen to in your car, on your way to work or on your way home, and so listen to the person next to you honking their horn for no apparent reason. So last week's winner was Zach Pierce. Congratulations, zach. The word, of course, was game, and Zach did send his address in, so we will be mailing out that gift card to him immediately, or at least next day or two. So we'll have a word of the week coming up a little later in the show. So please make sure you send in. When you get that word, send an email to us at contestmyburnercom and you'll be in the running for the gift card for next week. We also put up a candidate video for Constantine Anthony, the only incumbent running for re-election, and Mike Van Gorder, who has just moved to Berwick recently and has some unique views. So please check out those two videos before election day, before tomorrow.
Speaker 2:Let's get on to last week. So last week the city council meeting had a public hearing on cell towers and you have to feel bad for the people who appealed the approval of the cell tower on Main Street. Hey, I get it. It may be a health situation, and the last studies done by the federal government were in 1996, and they said there were no issues. Well, probably not 30 years ago, and none of these studies were also about the 5G systems. Once again, it is the higher body dictating to Burbank what they can and cannot do. Let's go back to the housing project being built on Empire Seven stories and seven parking places and Burbank completely had their hands tied and developers came to the city council meeting and basically snubbed their noses at the council. The same thing happened here, with the cell phone antenna company basically coming in and tying the city tough taco. The federal laws were on their side. Well, that's great, but does that make it right? In the end, the council had no choice but to side with the tower and they said they will start a dialogue with higher elected officials. All I can say is good luck with that. Nothing will happen and no one will care. Only Constantine Anthony was alone to vote against it and, in all honesty, if you would have voted for it I mean if the Moore council members had voted against it and they denied it we'd be stuck in a lawsuit, like we did with the Pickwick Project, when people listened to their constituents and tried to be on their side and all it did was cost the city a half million dollars. And guess what? Pickwick is gone and condos are going up. So you know what? It's just too bad that outside influences can control Burbank so much. Basically, that's it Anyhow, moving on here.
Speaker 2:Wednesday the Dodgers became world champions. What a great game, what a great comeback. The only really sad part of that is now baseball's over for four months. What am I? We gonna watch every night? Gonna miss my dodger games, gonna miss oral herschizer and joe davis. Gonna miss the games. But you know what, being a champion, we can live with that for about four months, and it was amazing to hear otani actually speak at the parade. So that was great.
Speaker 2:Friday saw the big game and Burbank beating Burroughs 42-21. Burbank came in second in the Pacific League and will travel to Monrovia who came in second in their league in a battle of the old Foothill League teams from 40 years ago. Burroughs, which tied for third with Pasadena and Crescenta Valley, saw their season come to an end. Evenena and Crescenta Valley saw their season come to an end even though both Crescenta Valley and Pasadena advanced to the playoffs. So you tell me what that's all about. I guess the way the San Francisco Division is now, there were no large spots in what division Burroughs was in but the other two teams, so three teams tied for third in Pacific League. Two went, one didn't't? Bros was an odd man out, I guess. Anyhow, that's it for the week that was, and stand, stand by for a little commercial and we'll be back with the week that will be enjoying the show.
Speaker 3:right now, thinking you may want to do your own podcast. Vibrate talks is renting out our podcast studio on an hourly rate. You can do audio podcasts or both audio and video, and even bring in guests to talk with. We will help you get set up on podcast platforms and start a YouTube channel, and we can edit your productions to make you look and sound your very best. If you are arrested, please drop us an email at studiorentalsatmyburbankcom. That's studiorentalsatmyburbankcom, and we will get back to you. Now back to our show.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, I know, I know. Are you happy that it's half over or are you just happy that we're going to get on with the show here? I'm not sure what it is. Anyhow, back to the week that will be this is Craig Scherr with you. And on Monday tonight there is an Art in Public Places committee meeting that will take place at 6 pm at the Community Services Building. They're going to talk about the public art financials and deferred art projects update. Also, johnny Carson Park bench donation staff will provide the committee with an update on the pending bench donation at Johnny Carson Park. And talking about Johnny Carson Park, the Shade Structure Project, capital Improvement Project, budget increase Staff will provide an update on additional funding For the Johnny Carson Park Shade Structure Project. The committee recommends that the staff request Additional $150,000. In funding for this project. So Hopefully it's going to be high rent shade Anyhow.
Speaker 2:Also, the Landlord Tenant Commission will meet at 615 at the Community Services Building. They're going to get an overview of feedback on the Rent Cap Outreach, subpoena Power and the Subpoena Power of Boards and Commissions and they're going to have some I found this very, very strange and commissions and they're going to have some. Now, this is really, I found this very, very strange. One of the things they're going to talk about is that 19 East Daily Drive, number 284 in Burbank, california, 93010, for a mediation request. Well, here's the issue there is no such address in Burbank. In fact, that zip code is in Camarillo. Who is checking on this in advance? But they will be actually talking about it at 317 North Hollywood Way, and the issue is change of terms of tenancy and tenant rights questions, as well as 331 West Spazier, where the landlord plans to sell the property and the tenant requests mediation for more time to move out. Come on, be a nice person, give the guy a little more time.
Speaker 2:Huh, ah, tuesday, okay, tuesday is election. Wait, did I say election? That's right. And that's the word of the week, actually, the word of the decade, I hope. And that's the word of the week, actually, the word of the decade, at least the word of the year, and that, of course, is election. So send an email to news at myburbankcom and put in the contest at myburbankcom and put in the subject line election and send in your name and your address and we'll put you into the drawing for this week's gift card. So back we go.
Speaker 2:Tuesday is election night vote vote. Did I say vote, vote? Hopefully you already voted. I actually do my mail in ballot and I did send it in on Friday. And it was pretty cool Because on Saturday at 1.40 in the morning I got a text saying the post office has received your ballot and on Sunday around 2 in the afternoon I got one that says my ballot has been accepted at the county registrar and has been counted. So that's pretty quick. I would like to get, get and send it in before the actual election, but I wait as long as I can in case something happens I need to make a adjustment on. But you know what everybody I voted for I still voted for. Uh, as an independent I went all across the board and a lot of issues, a lot of things. So we'll see how that comes out. We will attempt to go live on Tuesday with an election results show starting at 8pm. It's going to be on YouTube only. We will stay on for a while until we get results, especially our local offices and measures. So might be a long night and I'm ready for it.
Speaker 2:Tuesday also, the City Council is dark, but not dark on Tuesday is the Burbank Athletic Federation and they will meet at 6pm at the Community Services Building. They're going to talk about youth, sports, transgender and the athletic policy and they're going to update their Capital Project Party List update. They're going to update your capital project priority list update. They're going to have an update on Sears softball age requirements and a discussion on non-resident player participation, as well as board member recruitment update. I wish they would post their reports and their minutes on their agendas so they do not record their meetings and there is no way to know what is going on unless you show up to the meeting itself, because they don't even post their minutes online. So how are you really supposed to keep up with them? The city is lacking, definitely lacking, in this category.
Speaker 2:Wednesday, the Civil Service Board meets at 4.30 pm at City Hall. One of the items is for a fireman who is appealing his performance examination for the position of fire engineer. That's the guy who drives the engine of the truck and operates it during the fire Staff recommends that they deny his appeal. Hey staff, why don't you just stay out of it? Why are you putting any preconceived notion in their heads? Let them hear the appeal and make their own minds up. Hey staff, why don't you just stay out of it. Why are you putting a preconceived notion in their heads? Let them hear the appeal and make their own minds up. This is really advanced prejudice that will be in their heads. No reason for it. So you know, I get it. You want to have your opinion, but we know that. You know why are you having an appeal if you're telling them what to do? Not good, not good at all. Don't put the preconceived notions in their heads. Let them hear the appeal. Give the guy a chance.
Speaker 2:The Youth Board returns with a 6 pm meeting at the Community Services Building on Wednesday and on Thursday the Burbank Water and Power Board will be meeting at 5 pm at the Water and Power building. One of the reports they will be getting is an update on Burbank's Water and Power's customer solar program, introduction of a solar net billing program. The school board will meet at 6 pm at City Hall, so that's if you want to check out. Their agenda is packed with a ton of stuff. The Heritage Commission will meet at 530 at the Community Services Building. No agenda has been posted as of yet, so we really can't tell you what they're going to be talking about. Also, on Thursday, the Burbank High Baseball Team will be celebrating veterans in a ceremony at 530 pm at the Burbank High Baseball Field. Everyone is invited and all veterans are encouraged to come Be recognized. Our veterans are our most important asset and we need to make sure we never take you out of our minds.
Speaker 2:On Friday the Burbank Culture Arts Commission Spaces Committee will meet at 1 pm at the Community Services Building and that takes us to the weekend and on Saturday at the Farmer's Market on Glen Oaks and Olive. The Burbank Farmer's Market is adding a new feature a food scrap drop-off site. La Compost will be setting up to collect fruit and vegetable food scraps from 8 am to 12 pm each Saturday at the Burbank Fires Market located in Olive and Glen Oaks. Come by and drop off your food scrap waste and learn about composting. There will also be another kitten fair at the animal shelter from 10 am to 2 pm and there will be a pop-up community event with Metro from 11.30 to 2.30 pm outside the entrance of the Buena Vista Library. So talking about the bus, the BRT so it's part of the upcoming North Hollywood Pasadena Rapid Transit Line Metro is developing a first last mile plan to improve multi-model access to four stations along the BRT corridor. The station identified in the city of Burbank for this planning effort is at Olive and Riverside, so come and listen and talk about what's going on there. I don't think this is about the single lane use on Olive. This is more about the station location at Olive and Riverside. So come by and see what that's all about.
Speaker 2:That only leaves us now with Craig's comment and my comment. I hope this is not controversial, but who knows how with our today's society, and it's very simple. My comment is vote. The election is tomorrow, without a doubt, one of the most important presidential elections we've had in a very long time, and while California really has no say-so in the election or you don't have an individual vote because of the electoral college system, california's votes will go to the Democrat. I really wish it'd be one vote, one person, where our votes would go into the winner with the most votes wins. Hey, there's a concept whoever gets the most votes wins, but no, we don't do it that way.
Speaker 2:So, for president at Victoria College, there are things going on down the line to change that maybe, but for right now that is our system. It's too bad because all the money goes into. You know the candidates come to California. They use it as an ATM and they take the money out of California and go spend it in the seven states that are swing states and they get all that money and all that advertising. So what do we get here in California? Well, it's already kind of pre-decided, so I don't know. I just think one person, one vote for president, like we do for every other elected office, is a good idea. But that aside, voting is important. Voting for city council is important. Voting for city council is important. Voting for the school district people is important.
Speaker 2:Weigh in on measure ABC. Okay, I'm not going to tell you how I voted on that, but read it, understand it, see if it works for you, see if it doesn't work for you. I mean, while it's good for our schools, is it bad for your pocketbook? There's all kinds of considerations that you have to look at. That's why it's a measure of the peoples. A lot of other propositions out there too, but the bottom line is voting is not your right. It's what you should be doing as a how should I put it? It is your mandate. Everybody needs to vote If you're going to sit there and complain about anything In our society. And you didn't take the time to vote, shut your mouth, okay, Shut your mouth, okay, shut your mouth. If you vote and you know your side doesn't win, for whatever it is, or your position doesn't win, accept it, move on. But at least then you have the right to say something Because you voted.
Speaker 2:We are, we're going to have at least one new city council member. We may have two, so it's really important that you decide the future Burbank. It's too bad. The school district went to districts, which means that three-fifths of our city is not voting for anybody. That's really a sad situation. Hopefully that you know we had a podcast which means that three-fifths of our city is not voting for anybody. That's really a sad situation. Hopefully we had a podcast with Emily and hopefully we're going to do something to the school district to go back to regular districts, and the city council is moving on with their lawsuit, which we should be informed of, about going to districts. So the bottom line is I know I'm ranting, I get it, but to me it's so important.
Speaker 2:It's so important you take the time to vote. They make it so easy. You can just fill it out at home, like you'd pay your credit card and put it in the mail, or you can go and put it on a site, or you can go on Tuesday and vote at a location. You can go vote early if you want to, but you've got to vote, you've got to vote. You know we can't have just 40, 50, 60% of people voting. We need 100% of people voting. If not, shut your mouth, don't complain. Okay, it's the one thing you can do to make a difference, and you never know what's going to come down to a couple votes, especially in our local election. It could come down to a vote or two. We're talking about a smaller sampling. In a city council election, in Measure ABC, which is the percentage of the vote, or in the school district votes, it can come down to just a couple votes.
Speaker 2:So your vote is important. Even if you want to vote for the national stuff, even if you want to vote for state stuff, vote for local stuff. You don't have to vote for everything. And let's face it, who knows these judges? There's judges on the ballot. What do you know about these judges? These people are running for judge and yet we vote for them, like we know what we're doing and I'm as guilty as anybody else of just trying to figure out which president's job do. I like to give that guy a chance. That's a terrible way of doing it, but, being honest, anyhow, that's my comment. Please get out and vote, please, please, please, get your vote in, alrighty, and please, once again, do not forget to subscribe and like this video. And please, once again, do not forget to subscribe and like this video and please, as always, consider that membership to this MyBurbank YouTube channel to keep us going so we can keep bringing you this content.
Speaker 2:That's it for another week. We will see you on tomorrow night starting at 8pm with our election coverage and hopefully we won't have any bugs and it'll go off. Okay, this is going to be our first really live event we're ever. Going to try and we'll see how it works. For future things, I would like to eventually start putting this show on live also, but we'll see. But tomorrow night we will be going live at 8 o'clock. We're going to have a comment thing set up so you can send your comments in during the show. We'll try to respond to them as we can and make it interactive.
Speaker 2:So that's it for another week. For the week that was the week that will be. This is Craig Sherwood. Once again, thank you for watching or listening in your cars on the podcast channels, or laying there in bed at night and listening. I probably put you to sleep already listening in your cars on the podcast channels, or laying there in bed at night and listening. I probably put you to sleep already, though, so you're not hearing this part. Anyhow, thank you again and, as always, take care.
Speaker 4:Thank you for watching the latest my Burbank video. If you have it in your heart, please consider helping us by clicking on the super thanks down below or, even better, go to our channel and consider a membership. Your support is what keeps my Burbank going strong.