myBurbank Talks

The Week That Was and That Will Be - June 10

June 10, 2024 Craig Sherwood, Craig Durling, Ross Benson Season 2 Episode 24
The Week That Was and That Will Be - June 10
myBurbank Talks
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myBurbank Talks
The Week That Was and That Will Be - June 10
Jun 10, 2024 Season 2 Episode 24
Craig Sherwood, Craig Durling, Ross Benson

Can a budget adoption and a gun ordinance reshape the landscape of Burbank? Join Craig Sherwood, Ross Benson, and Craig Durling on this week's "Burbank Talks" as we delve into the latest city council decisions, celebrate Joe Carici's contest victory, and decode civic jargon. We bring clarity to complex topics such as the new budget for 2024-2025 and the nuances of a gun ordinance affecting firearm retailers. Plus, get updates on the newly authorized funds for the Home Again LA facility, offering insight into its importance for our community.

From world peace to local construction, our conversation takes unexpected turns while remaining grounded in Burbank's ongoing developments. We shed light on the Media District-Specific Plan and provide construction updates at the Empire Center. Hear our thoughts on public transit logistics for workers and an amusing anecdote about perceived arrogance at a City Council meeting. Our discussion doesn't shy away from scrutinizing the actions of the LA City Council President and what it means for intercity relations, media portrayals, and the treatment of homeless individuals.

Feeling nostalgic? We round off the episode with reflections on classic children's television shows from the 70s and 80s. Then, we dive into recent events like the Road King's Car Show, where community spirit and classic cars took center stage, and the St. Joseph's Foundation gala. As a cherry on top, we preview upcoming city events such as Flag Day and a unique Father's Day mariachi brunch at IKEA. Don’t miss our humorous takes and heartfelt anecdotes as we bring you the latest from Burbank.

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Can a budget adoption and a gun ordinance reshape the landscape of Burbank? Join Craig Sherwood, Ross Benson, and Craig Durling on this week's "Burbank Talks" as we delve into the latest city council decisions, celebrate Joe Carici's contest victory, and decode civic jargon. We bring clarity to complex topics such as the new budget for 2024-2025 and the nuances of a gun ordinance affecting firearm retailers. Plus, get updates on the newly authorized funds for the Home Again LA facility, offering insight into its importance for our community.

From world peace to local construction, our conversation takes unexpected turns while remaining grounded in Burbank's ongoing developments. We shed light on the Media District-Specific Plan and provide construction updates at the Empire Center. Hear our thoughts on public transit logistics for workers and an amusing anecdote about perceived arrogance at a City Council meeting. Our discussion doesn't shy away from scrutinizing the actions of the LA City Council President and what it means for intercity relations, media portrayals, and the treatment of homeless individuals.

Feeling nostalgic? We round off the episode with reflections on classic children's television shows from the 70s and 80s. Then, we dive into recent events like the Road King's Car Show, where community spirit and classic cars took center stage, and the St. Joseph's Foundation gala. As a cherry on top, we preview upcoming city events such as Flag Day and a unique Father's Day mariachi brunch at IKEA. Don’t miss our humorous takes and heartfelt anecdotes as we bring you the latest from Burbank.

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Speaker 1:

From deep in the Burbank Media District. It's time for another edition of my Burbank Talks, presented by the staff of my Burbank. Now let's see what's on today's agenda as we join our program.

Speaker 2:

Hello Burbank. Craig Sherwood here with you once again, along with Ross Benson. Howdy ho, roadly though we're doing a show, let's go. And still in recovery mode we have Craig Derling via Zoom.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe it's been another week already, but glad to be back.

Speaker 2:

Well, we've all been busy this last week, haven't we? So a lot of things going on, which we'll get into, of course. What's on the agenda? Let's start off with last week's winner. Last week's winner was Joe Carici.

Speaker 3:

Carici, the winner of what? What was that one?

Speaker 2:

Joe Carici. Yeah, he won a $25 gift card for Hill Street Cafe up on Glen Oaks in beautiful Burbank by doing what he emailed us the word of the week from last week's show right. Which was Road Kings, emailed it to contest at myburbankcom and he was selected the winner.

Speaker 3:

You know, I'm curious if good old Joe came to the car show. You know, joe, joe at the car show, joe, joe at the car show.

Speaker 1:

Well, we had a lot of people stop by the booth and say hello, you never know One of them could have been Joe. Joe.

Speaker 2:

You never know, he would have said something. Yeah, you would think so. Joe is probably a pretty vocal guy, we hope.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

If he watches or listens to this podcast, you know he's at least involved, if not vocal.

Speaker 2:

If we listen right now, maybe we can hear him going Yeehaw, as he heard his name being read, so Cha-ching. Well, we have another Word of the Week A little later in the show now. Maybe we can hear him going yeehaw, as he heard his name being read, so I ching. Well, we have another uh word of the week a little later in the show, so please listen for it, and when you hear it, bury it deep.

Speaker 2:

You know, we oh yeah, and when you hear it, just send it into contest at mybringcom and you too can win a 2525 gift card to Hill Street Cafe. Alrighty, well, let's get into last week, so Tuesday, we had a city council meeting.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't that fun.

Speaker 2:

And the one thing that well, of course, the first part is that it's the budget.

Speaker 1:

Who doesn't love a?

Speaker 2:

budget adoption.

Speaker 3:

No, first thing is all those calls that I sit through and I've gone through hammers, I've thrown stuff at my screen and then when they get to the call-in callers, no offense, folks, get your shit together, you're lucky you have horrible aim and the horrible throwing arm ross, otherwise you'd go through so many television sets.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, I know, I know our mayor, nick schultz, he loves the budget processes, he, he, that's he lives for the budget process.

Speaker 3:

But see, and I was right, last week they voted on it. To what's it called ratify?

Speaker 2:

yeah accepted instead of another. It's now our budget for the 24 25 year and of course, the budget starts on. On what day?

Speaker 1:

july, 1st july 1st and it was like staying open 800 another year 838 million dollars.

Speaker 2:

Just a couple of change, a little change, you know no wonder they want to put parking meters in so the city council also passed this time the second reading, and now it's an officially in the in the books, the gun ordinance, um. So basically what this is is that you know there are. It had to be 1 000 feet from residential zones and sensitive locations. Um. It's effective starting july 6 2024 and it applies to all current and future firearms and ammunition retailers in Burbank.

Speaker 3:

Hey, craig, did you notice Craig's notes? When he typed this out, he said zero, zero, zero feet. There's some people that would probably love that.

Speaker 1:

It's funny because I'm so used to going through this and like spell you know, doing little spelling corrections and stuff, that I put a one in there on my copy.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll start remembering every mistake you make. I'll make sure we all bring it up for everybody. No, you never see it, because I correct them behind the scenes.

Speaker 1:

That's my little thing, but I'm sure if people were to read into the actual statute it would clearly define what sensitive locations are exactly right.

Speaker 2:

I'll let people go read it for themselves, well right, I'll let people go read it for themselves, well right.

Speaker 1:

It's probably lengthy, but I sure hope I haven't had a chance to look into it yet, but I sure hope they've answered that question about how they measure that distance.

Speaker 2:

And I did ask a city planner who I will not mention because I told him it was off the record. When he talked to me, he told me yes, indeed, it is as the crow flies from property line the property line perfect I like it well codified so now we do know codified is that a fish?

Speaker 1:

codified. Well, that's, if you turn into a fish, oh, you become codified I've just never heard that word. It's codified, okay to be entered into, basically made into code, put into the code. Codified like the vehicle code is a codified list of vehicular regulations. Anyway, that should be the word of the week Codified, but too late, it's not. It Stand down everyone. That's not the word of the week, sorry.

Speaker 2:

You said it. I asked you where I couldn't spell it.

Speaker 3:

You said it, not me. Ross, please spell codified for us. I couldn't even Okay, C-O-D.

Speaker 2:

Point made Okay let's move on. Moving on, the city council authorized Money for architects to engineer plans For the Home Again LA Facility they're having at the old Station 13 and Boys and Girls Club on Buena Vista near San Fernando. I talked to Albert Hernandez About it a little bit the other day and he's extremely happy. He's thrilled about the entire project and hopes to have it functional within two years. He said.

Speaker 3:

It was funny. I talked to him at an event too or somewhere else the other day and I told him I have pictures of that old fire station with an engine and an RA sitting out front in a rescue ambulance, with an engine and an RA sitting out front in a rescue ambulance, and he said he wants to talk to the architects and make the front of it resemble the old fire station 13. That'd be kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

So is there a plan to renovate the existing structure? They're not going to level it, are they?

Speaker 3:

Correct it would cost.

Speaker 1:

it was built 46, I think all concrete With it, having some local history to it, you know it would be a shame.

Speaker 2:

I think you should get that picture made up but it's a 16 by 20, and present it to them when they open. That would be a nice thing to have on there. They'd probably appreciate it.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, craig, that building the HVAC is out of date. Asbestos Right, you know now there's weeds is out of date. Asbestos you know, now there's weeds, they'll have to call the dig team in to take care of the weeds. He's hoping to move in in a couple years.

Speaker 2:

And then the only other thing of note to bring up, which really isn't. I better watch what I say or we'll get phone calls. Council member Costi Anthony brought up that he wants a resolution brought back for the United States to tell the US government to get out of Gaza. I'm sure that's what they've been waiting for this entire time. They're waiting to know what burbank thinks about the conflict and so they're not going to get out and hazma, as ma says and said, we're not gonna have a surrender or any any kind of a ceasefire until we hear from burbank he sure is willing to take on a very um oh, divisive topic and an opinion for the entire, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Well, in all honesty, you know what? Just go ahead and do the darn thing and then people are going to stop calling in for half an hour, they're going to stop going to public speaking for an hour and we'll get to meetings a lot. I'm not saying it's not important, I'm not saying that this isn't, but it's a world issue.

Speaker 1:

But he's also assuming that everybody in burbank agrees with right.

Speaker 3:

Well, and that's what gets me is those those callers calling in, call after call. They want them, you know the city to do something like it's gonna. It's gonna change something, folks. We have trouble them timing the lights on Glen Oaks.

Speaker 1:

I mean the city already stopped nuclear war.

Speaker 2:

That's true. We have the resolution against nuclear war. How much can one little city? Do and of course don't we have world peace, Because Miss America says in her interview how they're going to solve world peace every year, and isn't that supposed to apply to that also?

Speaker 1:

Well, everybody wants to solve world peace. That's what they always say, but do they ever actually figure it out? Apparently not.

Speaker 2:

Has there been a president in the last 40 years that ever brought peace to the Middle East? You know, and they're presidents Like I say, I'm done and over with it. I agree that there should be. I'd love to have peace in the Middle East. I don't think it's going to happen in my lifetime. My lifetime may not have Much to go anyway, After tonight I might be having a target on my back. So who knows?

Speaker 1:

Some people need to stay in their lane Anyhow and I'm not talking about you, craig, Well, I'm talking about me.

Speaker 2:

Me and my mouth's gotten me into more trouble than I can ever think of.

Speaker 1:

These resolutions are starting to stretch. Anyway, I digress. There we go.

Speaker 2:

Happy, happy, joy, joy. Let's move to Wednesday. Wednesday we had a meeting for the media district-specific plan at the Winnivista Library. We actually filmed the meeting because Burbank did not, and it is now on our YouTube channel and I put it up a couple days ago and it's already had 100 views so far. So I think people are interested in the plan and what's going on. I will say this I thought the plan was very thorough and there was a lot of information there. I don't think that in the long run, how much good it's going to do when you have Assembly and Senate people who are going to keep putting in measures that bypass local government zonings but let's hope for the best and people also brought up. Will this affect the new building that they want to do at Pass and Riverside? That is going to be? And the answer is no, because they submitted the plans for this before the media plan has been adopted. So the media plan will not affect the size and scope of that building.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you know what? Three days in a row I went through the intersection of Buena Vista and Empire and the guys that are all working on that new project, that seven-story SB35. Yep, they apparently are leasing spots in that big parking lot over there because they all are carrying their ladders, their levels. Last week it was electrical guys carrying rolls with Romex.

Speaker 2:

Beep-de-dee-beep, wait, wait, wait. We do have some more breaking news on that, and that is. I talked to one of the planners and they told me there, you know, there are three projects for Empire and now two have been abandoned. It's just the one they're working on right now is the only one going on. We've got to show five seconds of this, by the way. So that is it, only one of those SB35 projects on.

Speaker 3:

Empire. Is that a Selectric, by the way, because it sure sounded like it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what it did, but that was breaking news. So now we only have one project instead of three projects on Empire, so we're probably not going to have a ghetto there now.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's really funny because I guess I've been in that intersection at the exact time Three days in a row to watch, and these guys are wearing the fluorescent vents and the hard helmet but carrying their six foot, you know step ladder, some guys with their troweling tools or, and it's just to me, it kind of grabbed my eye that they got to walk. That's a good what. Five blocks to that parking lot? Where were they?

Speaker 2:

what parking are you talking about?

Speaker 3:

one on the uh southeast corner, the big industrial, the parking lot for that office building.

Speaker 1:

But the question is the one I cut through to get to the Empire Center Right.

Speaker 2:

But the question is are they leasing the spaces or are they just using the spaces?

Speaker 3:

I would think if Linda Besson could use it for her LFA Burbank performance. She probably they probably made a deal.

Speaker 2:

Well, my question is why can't these workers take the transit that everybody's supposed to be using for this building? And they have a transit center right across the street called a bus stop.

Speaker 1:

Why can't they use all the parking spaces at the building they're putting together?

Speaker 2:

There's only seven.

Speaker 1:

Oh, never mind.

Speaker 2:

There's actually eight places, because one's handicapped.

Speaker 3:

I can't picture and I shot a picture of it. That's funny that you say that, because I thought last week somebody getting on a bus with a six-foot ladder. I don't know if a bus driver would allow that.

Speaker 2:

Don't they put it where the bicycles go? In the front of the bus? They could have ladder racks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, that's we're gonna, that's what it's gonna be.

Speaker 2:

People are gonna be have to carry their tools with them well that that entire project should be bulldozed as soon as it's done probably do the contractors not care about the city of burbank and the people who live there.

Speaker 1:

They don't even care about the people building their building.

Speaker 2:

Probably so Most arrogant owner I've ever seen at a Burbank City Council meeting. He just basically snubbed his nose up and said, too bad, what you going to do about it? I mean, I hope we monitor every aspect of everything. I hope our building inspectors are on top of that.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, what, what that post one at every corner, but uh. So if anybody wants to watch that video, just go to youtube and do a search for my burbank and my burbank right to the page and ross has a picture of that.

Speaker 2:

Um yeah, how long were you at that light ross?

Speaker 3:

that light. If you're, if if you get into that one, it's a stale red, you're there for four cycles. I've now got it. You got to know what went to get in the left of the right lane because again, I don't think the city, I thought that's what they had gotten in trouble when that empire project was done. There were supposed to be two right turn lanes coming off of buena vista on empire, and there isn't. It's. You know, yeah, we we've never really looked into done. There were supposed to be two right turn lanes coming off of Buena Vista on Empire and there isn't.

Speaker 2:

It's you know, yeah, we we've never really looked into that. There were supposed to be some traffic mitigations and I have a feeling that we keep saying on the council agenda, potential litigation against the city. I think somebody's going after the city to get their traffic mitigation that was promised when the Empire Center was put in actually completed.

Speaker 1:

Mitigation's a bigger word than codified.

Speaker 2:

They turn both of the C, I guess, don't you know? This isn't a contest. So, anyhow that is, I found that to be very interesting. Now let's move on to Friday. Friday we had a Well, they didn't open, but we celebrated a business's grand opening, and it was nothing but cakes, nothing, nothing but cakes. And they've now officially, officially, been christened, since they had their ribbon cutting At the Empire Center.

Speaker 3:

Very well attended. Is that anything like circumcision?

Speaker 2:

No, it's funny, it's very well attended. I have a feeling the reason it was so well attended- is because they had samples for everybody there.

Speaker 3:

But I will admit, I bought a dozen, I paid for a dozen and I took them to my granddaughters and my son was not all that happy because 12 cupcakes between two girls I guess they wanted. They were on a sugar buzz for a while well, I actually got.

Speaker 2:

They gave me three. I took them home. I had three roommates and they each enjoyed one. I decided that knee operations are more important than the lust of Bundt cake.

Speaker 3:

I'll admit I had one. You know, I got one of that dozen Gosh. They're good man, are they good?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're feeling a little left out.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're always glad to bring you with us, yeah you don't know.

Speaker 3:

Isn't there a, isn't there a video going to?

Speaker 2:

be. Well, we're going to work on a video and have it, hopefully later this week. We're kind of behind on videos. This show has got to get done. First We've got the Chamber Awards that still get done, and then, of course, the Bundt Cake.

Speaker 3:

But I think I was walking by you when you were doing the camera work in the video and their story's kind of neat. You know their mother lived in. Glendale walked to burbank and everybody said move to burbank, moved to burbank. We finally got him in burbank. I think they're going to be.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the owners are very, very friendly people. Then they're very committed to the city and they're committed. This is their third franchise. Now, I didn't realize. I thought it was their business. It's a you know, quote business, but it's not. They're, they're franchisee. So they um, I didn't realize that nothing bun case is a national franchise.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, weren't they. They were ribbon cutting. I you know, sometimes you get to a ribbon cutting. You got a zillion people. It's like uh, herding cats, but they're very, very nice, nice people and like, like you said, very accommodating.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very helpful.

Speaker 3:

Help me out with the video a little bit and if anybody's wondering, as we're all talking about it, they are right across from where Sharky's is next to what if they don't know where Sharky's?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Well, that's yeah. Where is Sharky's? Sharky's is on the backside. They're behind BevMo. Behind BevMo, and there's a pizza place over there that I did the opening to many months ago.

Speaker 2:

They're behind that, of course, behind that, what was?

Speaker 1:

it called the Empire Center.

Speaker 2:

It's the Empire Center, it's the little In fact. Here's an easy way If you go to REI and when you drive into REI, just go to where the Empire Center stops, make a right. The old hometown buffet. No, that's gone. Make a right and go right down to and just stay on that little road right there. You're going to run into it.

Speaker 3:

Head toward the Olive Garden. Yes, well, you know what, craig, I see on the city's map are places that the old restaurant there it's the only one that's left that's going to be able to do a drive-thru and they're supposed to be forget, not Mel's Diner, but what is it? Amy's, I believe, and before the code changed, they're putting a drive-through in at that restaurant. Which restaurant? What was a hometown buffet? Oh, okay, amy's. Amy's doesn't go by there.

Speaker 2:

It just looked vacant.

Speaker 3:

And it had well. I didn't see any construction office for a while, but because I drive by it every day going up empire. But what's interesting is it was the only one that was allowed, the last one, the last drive-thru, and if you ever go into your frozen food section, amy's is a very, very big company. They have different divisions. Well, they do a restaurant too.

Speaker 2:

If you ever go into your frozen food section, get out immediately or you'll freeze. Well, also Friday we had an incident which we will probably now get into for a little bit, and that's very. All of a sudden we turned on all the local news channels and here's the LA City Council President, Paul Kikorian, chastising the Burbank Police Department for taking their homeless people and dumping them into Los Angeles, and he had a video to back it up, a video that is at double speed and not very long, and all he could say was shame on Burbank. Basically, and here's the thing. Let me get into this a little bit. I wrote an editorial that came out today about it, but I'll get briefly into it that I want your guys' opinions.

Speaker 3:

But I want people to read your editorial, your opinion piece. You need to go to myburbankcom and read it completely, because I don't think you're going to read the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to read the whole thing, it took me too long to write it. They picked up this guy from in front of at near St Joseph's Medical Center. They convinced him to put some clothes on because he you know they say naked.

Speaker 4:

They said naked, but for all.

Speaker 2:

Yes, the Burbank police did all. They say naked that naked could be. He only had maybe underwear on. We don't know what naked meant. So then they didn't. They convinced him. Look, you know, cooperate with us and help us out a little bit here. We don't want to take you to jail. Would you like to go somewhere? He said, yeah, I want to go back to St Antohanga. Well, they go. We really can't take you there. He goes, take me to the Red Line. I went back and listened to the radio communications and I heard the officer say 32 en route with one to the Red Line Station in North Hollywood. So that point, very true statement.

Speaker 2:

The information we got in their press release said that during on the way to the Red Line Station he saw a coffee shop and said let me off here, I want to get some coffee. They pulled over, they got him out. He was handcuffed for officer safety reasons and that's the only reason he was not under arrest because he wanted to get out of the vehicle. They let him out of the vehicle and took off the handcuffs and he stood there and as they got back in the car he laid back down on the sidewalk again and they pulled away. Is it a good look? Absolutely not.

Speaker 2:

But my problem is this, mr LA City Council President, did you ever pick up the phone and call somebody in Burbank? Did you call the police chief, michael Albanese, who was one of your most trusted people in your department for many, many years? Did you pick up the phone and ask the mayor of Burbank, who has his number everywhere, and say we have an issue here. Can you please look into it? Did you pick up the phone and ask the mayor of Burbank, who has his number everywhere, and say we have an issue here. Can you please look into it? Did you call anybody in Burbank?

Speaker 2:

No, you just went right to the news media and said hey, look at this, burbank is a terrible city and you know what? I've got a real problem. I got a real issue with that he had. There was no forethought of trying to work this out first and you know what he calls Burbank. And he says you know, hey, give us a week to look into it and he'll get back to him. Yes, do what you need to do then, because they're not responding to you but not even having the opportunity to do it and just blasting the city of Burbank is just uncalled for, it's unprofessional and it's political grandstanding and I think, well, you know and what gets me about it Go ahead, ross, give me your opinion.

Speaker 3:

I watched the video. You know everybody did. It's been on every channel Not our. Youtube channel. It wasn't just, but not his press conference. The cameras gave a wide shot. He didn't call just the la times or channel five, they were all there. He had quite a bit of time to drop the dime to burbank. You know, it's just really frustrating because every news media they want to attack burbank did wrong. Burbank police did wrong. Let's point the finger at burbank. They didn't do this right but, Let me ask you one second.

Speaker 2:

This is somebody who was the assembly member representing Burbank until 2010. He was a school board member. You cannot tell me he did not have phone numbers in Burbank or knew anybody in Burbank.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, his kid went to school.

Speaker 1:

The same time my son went to Burbank. Well, they have constant communication lines between the different city governments and stuff. So that's no—he doesn't need personal contacts to do the business of the city, which is what he is purportedly supposed to be doing.

Speaker 3:

Well and what—come on, he's the president of LA City Council. He's got probably 25 people at a minimum that work in his office.

Speaker 2:

Well, his staff members took care of him and I like to know okay, there were staff members what did you do for them? You didn't say what you did for them. Did you bring them to a hospital? Did you get them to a donut shop so they could get a coffee? Did you put them in a shelter? Where is he now? Do you have his name? Do you have his information, or did have his information, or did you just kind of pass him off? Also, now and now you are accusing burbank of doing what probably you just did yourselves.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, and we've listened to the radios for years we hear officers get to st joe's. I mean craig, and I have made note. If there is a shooting victim, a stabbing victim, anything, and it's in City on any of the borders of Burbank, st Joe's is the hospital they go to. And I pointed this out to a city official today. It really gets me, because I listen to LA City Fire and you know how many times I hear them go en route to St Joe's, en route to.

Speaker 3:

I've driven behind St Joe's down that back alley, joe's, I've driven behind St Joe's down that back alley and you know how many times there are rescue ambulances like five and six of them sitting at St Joe's. So they might have picked up this guy originally. But Burbank PD or Burbank paramedics, I should say those stabbing victims Burbank paramedics have to take care of them and take them either to county or Holy Cross. It happens numerous times. So somebody getting and St Joe's is looking into it. They don't even know if he was treated at St Joe's. They're looking into it.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I'm going to say this, well, and I'm going to say this, how many times is one of the la ras brought somebody into burbank at st joe's for treatment and they decide to leave st joe's. And guess, when they leave st joe's, where are they? They're in burbank that's where la that's where la brought them.

Speaker 2:

So it's not like you know and like I like I, like I said in my in my piece. You know and like I said in my piece, you know what You're worried about this one man and we're all worried about any individual, you know. But hey, how about worrying about the people living under your freeway bridges? How about living all the people in tents living in your city too? You know, try to find that in Burbank, because we are proactive and we do try to help these people.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that was one thing that came to my mind is, if you think, the city council president's trying to deflect a little attention away from the shining light on the hill that is los angeles right now. They're doing a fantastic job, aren't they also, what I'd like to know is how many times does this exact scenario play out within the city of los angeles every day and night? Constantly, I'm? I'm guessing, but from a legal standpoint, if this gentleman is not under arrest, in custody not a danger to himself or others, guess what he can go on his way, make his own decisions. If he wants to lay down on a sidewalk, he can lay down on a sidewalk. That's the end of it.

Speaker 1:

They were extending the courtesy of giving this this person a ride to where he asked to go. You know if, per policy, if he has to be in handcuffs, that doesn't mean he's under arrest. You know they, they can only do so much in these situations. So I have a lot of thoughts bouncing around in my head and they're coming out of the blender all at once here.

Speaker 3:

But well, you know, nowadays everybody's the microscope, and I'm not going to say the magnifying glass, but the microscope is on law enforcement. How can they do wrong? What are they doing wrong? It's it's really glad that burbank many years ago went to what's called the body cam. They're not only on the officers, it's in the car, the conversation. There is a full investigation that is being conducted and those body cams are going to listen to what the conversation was with the gentleman, what was in the car where he said he wanted to get out all of that, you know, and so we got to just back off for a couple days. These investigations don't happen overnight.

Speaker 1:

Well, the way that the city council president delivered his message publicly. This is clearly going to be a debate held in the headlines, and it's very important. Everybody out there, if you're concerned about this at all, is to read beyond the headline the stories, read the facts, watch the body cam video and, uh, and pay no mind to the, the manner in which it was delivered from the city of la, because they're no shining example of how business should be done very true, craig, and you know it's we.

Speaker 3:

We've been around this for a long time. I mean, I well, I well, craig and I were one day sitting in the lobby of the station waiting to meet with the chief, and we literally saw an officer make every offer to a guy that would do anything for him, and 99.9 of the officers will do that. Burbank takes care of these people. It just, you know, everybody's rushed to judgment.

Speaker 2:

Let's slow down. The staff said the man had a broken leg. Really, and who diagnosed that broken leg? Was that his medical?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Where did that information come from? You know I mean. So if he has a broken leg, did you rush him to the hospital? Then Is he now in the hospital getting a broken leg fixed?

Speaker 1:

I have an idea how about everybody out there slows their roll and waits for the investigation to be complete? Hey, there you go.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm going to request the body-worn camera from that day, the footage, because I'm going to make sure that and I guarantee you, they'll probably be making new policy changes based on this, to make sure that the appearance of this does not happen again. And that's how policy changes come about by something going wrong, or something not looking right, if there was a violation, if something actually comes out of the investigation that there's a finding that something wrong occurred or something could be done better.

Speaker 3:

I just really hate the rush to judgment. Did the officers get reprimanded? What for? They did their job, they helped the gentleman, so why are you going to reprimand?

Speaker 2:

the officer, we'll find out. Burbank doesn't hide those kind of things.

Speaker 1:

But we've seen this too in area cities where they're very quick to come to judge, to rush to judgment, officers have been terminated, suspended, just from an allegation, you know, while the other side of a chief's mouth they're saying you know, we're going to wait for the investigation to to you know, to find out everything that went on and come to determination.

Speaker 4:

But they've already ruined the officer and that's the great thing about body-worn cameras, usually in front of news cameras.

Speaker 1:

So the damage is done, and that's what people hope to do right now in the battle of the headlines, is they hope to do as much damage as they can before the truth actually comes out.

Speaker 3:

And Craig, you were in law enforcement for a couple of weeks, a couple of years. I remember your graduation. How many officers are out there? You go into that field, it's right, like being a fireman. You're going in to help people. You're going in to do a job that a lot of people don't want to do. That will take on helping yes, the 90-year-old crossed the street, or the homeless person that gets dumped off at a hospital. You know that's a call. Yeah, you might not want to take, but you do because that's what you're hired to do and it happens every day. Officers do great things.

Speaker 2:

Here's my last thought on this If you're in LA and you call the police because you were in an accident but not injured, they say too bad, we don't show up. If your dog is barking and it might be a burglar, too bad, we don't show up. Is a burglar in your house, we don't show up. Lapd doesn't show up to anything. We're in Burbank. If you pick up that phone and you call the police desk and you report anything whatsoever, they send an officer. I bet you, if this had happened in North Hollywood, that guy had been sitting on a bus stop for the next 10 hours and not one person would have lifted a finger to help him in LA.

Speaker 3:

And lately you and I have heard how many times do we hear or see the calls go out? Check on the wellbeing of this guy. Sleeping could be a person, just sleeping.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the city I used to work in it had to be dispatched as a man down which rolled police and fire in case it was a medical emergency. Yep, well, here too.

Speaker 3:

And think about how many times we hear paramedic calls and PD will get or fire will get on scene and go. Person just sleeping, yep.

Speaker 1:

Yep, or vice versa. The police will get there first and say no, they're just sleeping, cancel fire. But all these resources are rolling to assist somebody until you find out what the situation is, okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, enough about this for now. We will. When we have more, we'll follow up. You know my brick will have the information as it becomes available and of course, we'll always talk about it here on our weekly show.

Speaker 1:

So you know, stay tuned to my my Burbankcom.

Speaker 3:

There you go. I was just gonna say that you want to see craig's uh, his opinion, and it's he. You know it's well written. Um, I, I was at an event already after it was written and a lot of people came up to me and said it's really nice to see you know that what was put out, because it's the truth.

Speaker 2:

This is our city, this is, this is my city and I took it personally. When somebody from LA tells us how to do our business, who can't take care of their own business, I took it personally.

Speaker 3:

Anyhow, what happened?

Speaker 2:

On the weekend we had the Jackalope, saturday and Sunday had the Jackalope Art Fair.

Speaker 3:

Back up. You know what I just realized? Ashley reminded me today that friday night there was the our all weekend. That fair up at uh saint francis she had a new uh opening, I guess, at colony friday night this weekend.

Speaker 2:

Well, nobody told them, told us about it on the agenda.

Speaker 1:

Brown x says we can't talk about it.

Speaker 2:

There we go if it's not on our agenda from now on. There was some joke, but do it when you need them.

Speaker 3:

There was something in this city for everybody, I mean between Friday and Monday let's talk about Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Sunday road King's car show, the the ultimate car show in Burbank every year, with more cars than on the four or five at 530.

Speaker 1:

It looked while I made the joke that it that must've been what the 405 looked like in like the fifties.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely Amazing and we we did a podcast from there. We should have that up in it and we'll have the audio. As you hear this, we'll have the video up within a day or two and, uh, I think it'll be a lot going on there we you know, I love going to those events.

Speaker 1:

There were thousands, oh yeah not cars, but there was a steady stream of people coming through dogs, kids, families dogs, families, dogs yeah, let's talk about dogs for a second.

Speaker 2:

Those hot dogs were phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, and they were reasonably priced.

Speaker 3:

Yes, somebody said they were seven bucks. Did you tell me they were seven? They were seven bucks.

Speaker 1:

The specialty ones were eight, which I had, one of the New York dogs that had some barbecue sauce and bacon bits on it and stuff.

Speaker 2:

You never told me that. After the second trip.

Speaker 1:

What's that? You never told me that for the second trip you always said chili, I didn't know about it, I didn't know about it.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's Tony and he does Holiday in the Park. He is a road king. They inducted him as an official member of road kings.

Speaker 2:

You know painful that can be sometimes.

Speaker 3:

Another big word. But I will tell you he is. You know, he had a smile on the whole day. He loves making people happy with feeding them. He made me happy. Well, he made a lot of people and you know what, honestly, folks I got to say. They had two food vendors. They had Tony doing hot dogs and other stuff you can get and then there was a taco vendor next door. There weren't 50 food trucks around the place. You know people going there and buying stuff and spending money. This money stays right here.

Speaker 1:

Even the burritos and breakfast burritos were $7. So everything was reasonably priced. And I'll tell you what's his name Tony. Tony With the hot dog. Yep, Unbelievable quality hot dogs, right, Big hot dogs.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'll share with you the Costco's best.

Speaker 1:

The condiments like you'd machine. You'd crank the hand, crank this thing and the relish would come oozing out, or you'd crank it.

Speaker 2:

The onions were fresh cut. Chopped onions would come oozing out or you'd crank it. The onions were fresh cut.

Speaker 1:

I'm like this is fantastic. And he said it's exactly like they have at Dodger Stadium.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no. Except a third of the price, except a third of the price and a lot better. Those onions are fresh At Dodger Stadium, not so fresh.

Speaker 3:

You guys walk back with your hot dogs. I smelled the onions. That convinced me and I'm not supposed to be eating onions now. I couldn't turn them down.

Speaker 2:

The relish it was just a little relish so well enough about the food, the show itself, what a great show I mean we're talking about the food it was a great show for crying out loud.

Speaker 1:

Well, jay leno stuck his head in on the podcast. You might hear him in the background, but he was being whisked around very quickly by a mob of people.

Speaker 2:

But and we know a painful act can be also Nice enough to be whisked.

Speaker 1:

You might hear him at some point in the background. He stuck his head in and said something. I don't even know what he said.

Speaker 3:

Well, we will Our Ashley Erickson. She saved some of us. I couldn't walk it. That grass over at Johnny Carson Park probably one of my rants.

Speaker 1:

Really hard to walk on holes and gopher holes and but I have we had Ashley.

Speaker 3:

Shoot some what we call B roll. You will see what Jay drove up in it. This thing must've been 20, 30 feet long, some type of uh, a two seater that you can't parallel park or something? Yeah, yeah. But a ton of people. And you know, jay is so personable, he walks around and you want to pose a picture, he'd put his hand out and pose. Yeah, you know. And right next to us was our good friend, uh, community chevrolet. The awards went on, it just can they top that?

Speaker 2:

you know, the only car car that is not a classic was the Community Chevrolet Corvette, which was an absolutely beast of a machine.

Speaker 1:

I think even the two cars you guys came in are considered classics at this point. Well, mine is 24 years old. But yeah, another great event. It was the first one I've been able to make it to over the years. But because of that event and planning for it I wasn't able to get to the Jackalope art fair this year up on san fernando. But I heard it was a talking to people at the car show that had gone the day the previous day. They said it was a another great show. Good, uh, good, turnout up there on san fernando.

Speaker 3:

So that was both days the jackalope art fair so if you think about it we said a little earlier it was a action-packed weekend. Friday night there was stuff for kids and families. Saturday you could do the art show. Sunday you could do the Road King show. So there's a little thing you know all weekend for every age in the city of Burbank.

Speaker 2:

I want to give a little shout-out to Don Baltarone, who did a nice job taking care of my Burbank there, and I want to thank him for all he did for us he was a consummate host that he was, and for Gary for getting us parked right there and getting us all set up.

Speaker 3:

But I got to tell you it just one of those. That's Burbank. It was a Burbank event. I ran into people from, I'm going to say, an old neighborhood radio watch days, a cb group that craig, craig sherwood and I were involved with 40 years ago. We were the original uh park patrol and we were the lookout for burbank pd and we, one of our old what uh c beers, showed up there.

Speaker 1:

I had tons of people come up to me and he said he still had all the old equipment and some paperwork from the group and everything typical burbank person, real keeper.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, it was a good weekend. Check out, you know like, uh, mr sherwood said that the audio will be up and then check out. He has to do quite a bit of editing. Ashley gave us a probably a good 30 minutes two hours worth of b-roll.

Speaker 2:

That quite gets the entire, the entire show that'll be on the youtube channel. The entire version of the podcast should be up uh earlier than that the entire podcast is only about 45 minutes, so we're gonna have to cut a lot of that footage out oh, definitely still a podcast.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so, but yeah, we're looking. It'll look like looking good for next year. So that was the weekend we hate you like. Mr durley asked who got sunburned this weekend. Who suffered? My legs are still great weather.

Speaker 1:

We lucked out with the weather because the the cloud cover stayed for most of the event, which was nice.

Speaker 3:

It kept it kind of cool it was nice to see Johnny Carson Park use. Craig and I look back at the days of chili cook-offs and other big events there and it's really nice to see that park used to the max.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's it for the week that was. We're going to be back with you in a second for the week that will be.

Speaker 4:

Enjoying the show right now, thinking you may want to do your own podcast we're going to be back with you in a second for the week that will be and start a YouTube channel and we can edit your productions to make you look and sound your very best. If you are interested, please drop us an email at studiorentalsatmyburbankcom. That's studiorentalsatmyburbankcom, and we will get back to you. Now back to our show.

Speaker 2:

All right, everybody. Craig Sherwood here with you, along with Ross Benson. He says hi everybody. Oh, sherwood here with you, along with Ross Benson. He says hi everybody.

Speaker 1:

He's a magician now.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, craig Dillian via Zoom Alakazam. Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. What was that? There was a kid's show back in the 70s or 80s. I think it was called Zoom or something. Oh, wasn't it with?

Speaker 1:

It was Bing Bing Bing radio's name was called zoom or something, wasn't it with it?

Speaker 2:

was bing, bing, bing. I don't know. It's like a rabbit or something. I came out of some public channel or something in boston. I think it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

When you're boston stations back in the day well oh, he had bows of the clown, we had romper room. We had uh, willie whistle, willie whistle. I don't know about the Zoom.

Speaker 2:

Zoom. Of course we had Sheriff John here.

Speaker 3:

That's right. And who's the other guy?

Speaker 2:

Good morning Ross will be thinking about that. Anyhow, we're back with you.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure by Thursday this week he will yell it out all of a sudden Tune in next week for Ross's answer Tune in next week for Ross's answer.

Speaker 2:

The last week the Planning Commission, or I should say today, which is Monday, the Planning Commission they canceled their meeting.

Speaker 3:

What they canceled their meeting.

Speaker 2:

There's no planning going on for this month.

Speaker 3:

You know no offense, but at the rate the state's telling Burbank what to do, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Let's move on to the council meeting tomorrow's, telling Burbank what to do.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, let's move on to the council meeting tomorrow night. Oh wait, a second.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can't wait. That should be a biggie. There is no council meeting tomorrow night.

Speaker 3:

Oh, but don't forget that Ashley and I covered a St Joe's Foundation thing. Today it's Monday, so unusual to have a gala over at that place called Lakeside Golf Course, which the front gate is in Burbank, but Mario Lopez, it's his golf classic. He had tons of people there raising a lot of money for St Joe's Foundation and I saw a ton of our local not local politicians, but some of our department heads and a lot of people from Burbank.

Speaker 2:

We know one politician won't be showing up at things in Burbank.

Speaker 3:

No, because I was ready to throw him in the lake, in the real Toluca Lake. Yeah, Ross.

Speaker 1:

I heard a little bird told me that there might be a drinking game out there floating around. You take a shot. Every time Ross says gala or ribbon cutting or ton. I might have just invented that but sounds good to me. But he always has a ton of cheers to that he has a ton of people everywhere red solo cups you.

Speaker 3:

That's even better than the road.

Speaker 2:

You know the solo cup game um, I believe the city council is also going to be dark next week also come on what we should probably get a hold of our mayor and get our show done next week if he wants to.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's funny. I ran into our city manager and he said you didn't hurt him, did you? No, but he is now on vacation for a week. Good, week.

Speaker 2:

Well, Wednesday, the Board of Library Trustees will meet at 530 at the Central Library.

Speaker 3:

You sure that hasn't been canceled yet?

Speaker 2:

No, they haven't those library? People love to stay informed.

Speaker 1:

It is in pencil on the schedule, though.

Speaker 2:

They'll be getting an update on the Media District-specific plan and the new Central Library. Now, the new Central Library, that'll be down the pike. We'll get that down. There's a lot going on with that, of course. Our library director just left us, so we're in search of a new library director right now.

Speaker 3:

You know, but a lot of people are commenting about that and I just want to make a little note there. Madam Goldman, our library director, she has worked in many cities. The maximum she has ever worked at a city is four years. She has been with burbank now eight years. She's put in a lot of groundwork for this new library. She's changed our libraries immensely.

Speaker 2:

You know we have quite a bit going on so I will say this and then she's probably done a great job and she's probably a very nice person. But if we're going to do a major brand new library in Burbank and the plans are getting closed, why wouldn't you want to stick around and put your thumbprint on it for generations to come?

Speaker 3:

You know, you really want to know why. And it's funny because I go to all these places and you see those big bronze name plaques, you know, naming the city council and the city attorney, the city manager and all the people in the department heads. I don't think she really cared what goes on that plaque, because she's done her job.

Speaker 2:

I'm not talking about the plaque. Wouldn't she care about how functional the library is?

Speaker 3:

and, having her vision, you don't know where she's going to work in the private sector and we know how many people, at least for a couple years. We know how many people that have left city government to go to work for the private sector. We've seen Joy Forbes, who's a vice president up at NBC, left Burbank Redevelopment. She was head of redevelopment, she was assistant city manager and assistant city manager. So when people leave to go to work in the private sector, that tells you something, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's move to Thursday. The Cultural Arts Commission is going to meet at 9 am at the Community Services Building.

Speaker 3:

Who is up at 9 am?

Speaker 2:

The Cultural Arts Commission.

Speaker 3:

Okay, thank you.

Speaker 2:

They are going to talk about the Burbank Little Theater and I am curious to know what they're going to talk about Because, number one, if they're going to raise all of or George Isaiah Park and raise the softball fields, the gym and everything else, they're probably going to raise that little theater now and are they going to design a brand new facility for that. So that would be interesting to find out some information on that. I guess who's getting up at 9 am. I'll watch it on the city's YouTube channel.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh wait, they don't put their meetings on the youtube channel, but you know that's one. I thought I had heard some ground rumbling from a lot of the arts people that theaters are pretty important still and we found that out with the colony theater debacle that we did and I think we're on this one. They might not be leveling it as quick and it's old, think about it. That little theater has been there for.

Speaker 2:

It needs to be rebuilt, but we do need to keep a. The original plan is called for a new gym to be built and in the back of the gym a new community center to be put in. That would also serve as a replacement for the little theater. Be a theater and a community center. And the theater. People said wait a second, we need to have a separate facility, we can't be in a community room and I agree with that. So hopefully we're going to solve that problem and keep Burbank the media capital world in all forms of media.

Speaker 3:

But didn't I read in your notes that you diligently put that with this master plan, that the city and the parks that they've been doing these meetings?

Speaker 2:

they gathered a lot of information so it'll be nice to see what, as it, progresses right and you know they build parks.

Speaker 3:

Walk into verdugo. Are you going to some of our parks? And they were built back in the 50s, in the olden days of rock and roll, and things change. You know, who would have ever thought of pickleball or olive ball? Or, you know, crabapple ball or whatever sport it is?

Speaker 2:

Aren't you up on the new terminologies? Huh.

Speaker 1:

Well, he was built in the 50s too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess, do you know? There's a pickleball channel on television. Now is this it's all I do is pickleball on that channel. It's a thing, do you?

Speaker 1:

know that, like among the leading causes for injuries at in emergency rooms for like people, adults, like in their 40s, 50s and 60s is pickleball injuries, because they're all getting into this rage that is pickleball and they're crashing and burning, breaking ankles and taking headers.

Speaker 3:

So I'm curious you heard of having temba, tennis elbow or stuff, so now do you have pickleball?

Speaker 2:

knees knuckle, yeah, yeah, uh. They're also doing an update on the new on the elephant parade coming to Burbank, which Ross has been very excited about. So that's happening. It's a traveling art exhibit of painted and decorated elephant statues, known as the elephant parade. Oh, statues, I was hoping it would be real elephants and I'm sure they're going to probably put them all around town and we will have maps to them and let people know where they are.

Speaker 3:

And I'm sure we'll do a video and the whole. Thing you know Well, it's happening July 1st. I saw in the city manager notes just the other day that it's happening. There is a webpage out. We will share it. We're going to have a reporter work on that, probably this week, because it's happening. Several of our advertisers, our hosts, ume, is going to have an elephant in their parking lot.

Speaker 1:

In honor of the elephant parade, I've changed my background.

Speaker 2:

I thought the original artwork you did before was very becoming of you, though what the?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, the blur.

Speaker 1:

I thought that was the original artwork. Oh, okay, I thought they had the original artwork behind you is? I thought that was original artwork, only if the blur covered my actual face. Oh, okay, I thought they had the original artwork behind you. There, I do have a face for radio, as they say.

Speaker 3:

But this is a worldwide art exhibit and Burbank is included and it's being promoted and it's something different.

Speaker 2:

They're bringing a lot of people to the city. So Thursday evening the Park and Recreation board is going to meet at 6 PM at city hall and they're going to discuss the media district specific plan, also um the community development department something easier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, you've got. You've got all these plans. You've got three different plans going on right now. So, um, and they're going to get an update on the Cambridge pool and how it's going and how the reconstruction is going and all that stuff. So hopefully that's going well for them. And then we move on to Friday. And Friday is there's an event on Friday that we all like to call Flag Day Whoa Whoa. Flag day, whoa whoa. What triggered?

Speaker 3:

that flag day. You know what that sound means, don't you?

Speaker 1:

are we that far into the show already? What is that?

Speaker 2:

sound. What does that mean?

Speaker 1:

that's the word of the week. That must be the word of the week, the word of the week flag flag flag Must be the word

Speaker 3:

of the week Craig, the word of the week Flag.

Speaker 1:

Flag. Is it flag or flag day? It's flag, oh flag.

Speaker 2:

The judges will probably accept either right. Yeah, you said, flag day will probably not penalize you for that.

Speaker 1:

And they'll take points away. But what do they do with that?

Speaker 3:

word, craig, that's an important day. Yeah, we'll get into that in a second.

Speaker 2:

So Senator, if you have heard this and you feel a little hungry, then send in the word flag to contest at myburbankcom in the subject line and please include your address and we're going to pick a winner for next week's gift card. Giveaway of a gift card for $25 to Hill Street Cafe on Glen Oaks.

Speaker 1:

Yum, yum, yum. And you get extra points if you send us a picture of your food.

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely. What about the flag?

Speaker 1:

But Flag Day is a holiday celebrated every state holiday.

Speaker 2:

Tell us about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not a federal holiday, it's a state holiday celebrated every June 14th to commemorate the adoption of the United States flag on June 14th 1777. It was a little different back then. It had the 13 stripes but it also only had 13 stars for the original colonies. It's changed since then, but the initial resolution and I'll read it word for word, but the initial resolution, and I'll read it word for word stated that the flag of the 13 United States be 13 stripes alternate red and white, that the Union be 13 stars white in a blue field representing a new constellation.

Speaker 2:

And, as an aside, june the 14th is also the birthday of the United States Army. Oh, very good. My dad was in the Army, the Army Corps of Engineers on Guadalcanal, and we hope everybody had a good Flag Day. Also on the weekend, digg is returning to Burbank and of course, digg is standing for absolutely nothing.

Speaker 3:

They're going to be at Stout Canyon Park from 8 to 10 am and we can we get into some type of an award that we can present to somebody that comes up with the word dig, I mean?

Speaker 1:

can we make it, have it stand, make it, make it stand for something? As opposed to just the act of digging.

Speaker 3:

Well, we have a trophy that is at the high school that goes between. Maybe we get a mini trophy that says dig on it and we present it to somebody, just somebody that digs, I don't know okay, well, sunday, I guess it's Father's Day, so all you fathers out there.

Speaker 2:

Congratulations on surviving another year with your kid, and I see we have All you fathers out there. Congratulations on surviving another year with your kid, and I see we have an interesting I did.

Speaker 1:

I found an event for Father's Day, if anybody's interested in going, because the Smokehouse will probably be all booked up with reservations. But there is a Father's Day mariachi brunch at Ikea, believe it or not. So it says get ready to treat dad to the ultimate Father's Day mariachi brunch bash at Ikea, burbank In the Swedish restaurant. It's from 11 am to 1 pm and it's $24.99 per person. So it sounds like you'll probably be getting a good spread there. But if you're looking for something to do and can't get into the smokehouse with everybody else, yeah, my advice first is try all the local mom-and-pop restaurants first.

Speaker 3:

IKEA's here in.

Speaker 2:

Burbank and of course, at mom-and-pop. It helps the Well, I will say, the restaurant in IKEA's is actually.

Speaker 1:

They're like underground. Super popular People will go to Ikea's just to eat at the cafes there and the meatballs and all that, so the food's actually pretty good there.

Speaker 2:

I'd be curious to see what kind of spread they have on Father's Day. Actually, we had somebody named Stan Lynch and he lived for the Swedish meatballs at Ikea.

Speaker 3:

And I just found out at the Excellence Awards awards, our burbank ikea has a new manager. I I did the opening of that store and the manager's been the same for many, many years and we have a new um, I can't remember her name. I feel bad. I'm glad you brought it up, but there is a new manager there and she told me that she's doing a lot more things with Burbank. But, like we say, I do know Tequila's has a great brunch menu for Father's Day that she's been promoting too.

Speaker 1:

And I know what everybody's thinking about the Swedish meatballs at IKEA. Don't worry, they assemble them for you. Oh good, I think that— you don't have to put them together yourself with a little wrench. And if they?

Speaker 2:

promise you 13,. You better make sure it's not 12, because sometimes they leave one out for some reason.

Speaker 1:

Get a baker's dozen.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you know I learned putting stuff together. You can pay them to assemble your stuff. I used to take that little Allen wrench, put it into a drill, and you're not supposed to do that.

Speaker 1:

I have so many of those saved up over the years. I think I'm going to assemble something with the wrenches. I'm going to build something out of the wrenches.

Speaker 2:

I guess I'm going to stay on camera all the time.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I thought.

Speaker 2:

I had Okay. So well, you know what? I know one way to get off camera, though, and one way only to get off that camera, and it's because we're going to listen now to ross's rant.

Speaker 4:

Ross's rant ross's rant I take a flamethrower to this place who's that?

Speaker 3:

what's up, god? Who is that guy? That's bugs bunny, bugs, bunny mel brett, mel blake.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's actually mel blank, but yeah, bugs bunny oh, he's been around burbank for a while.

Speaker 3:

So ross's rant. I do have a couple that I have written down, that oh so it's ross's rants yeah, right, plural. Okay, I'm gonna be limited here.

Speaker 3:

Ross is ranting well, I, I, we said it earlier the weekends, the summer's here. I know the summer can't. Uh, the summer concert series is starting off Every week. There is something going on in our fine city. You don't have to leave and go far to enjoy yourself. Burbank has plenty and we have a ton of new restaurants. And it really kind of gets me and this is a rant If you haven't owned a restaurant, shut the excuse me, shut the heck up. When you get on social media, want to criticize. It is very, very difficult to open a restaurant. You want to ask Gary Brick, he'll tell you. You know, it's even harder to keep one open.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's it. And when you have a brand new restaurant open and they're doing their best I know the new Bagel Boss is open and I read oh, people were there before the store opened. They got in line and as they got to the cashier the line was already out the door and up the street. Well, it's brand new. But people are criticizing, you know, or comparing it. I guess that's natural. Everybody has a phone and needs to share their opinion. But I'll tell you, you know it's like that. They brought in people from New York preparing to handle the amount of people that they're dealing with For a new restaurant. I just drove by the Magnolia I think it's going to be called Magnolia Cafe, the old Tin Horn Flats and the guy has it gutted out and working on it Took him over a year to get some of the plans that he wanted to do approved and everybody wants everything done now. You have your cell phone, you got a microwave, you got all this stuff that does stuff right now. Be patient, folks.

Speaker 3:

Well, there's no shortage of opinions flying around out there these days yeah, we got a great city, we got some fantastic restaurants, we got tons of stuff going on. You know, just lay back a bit slow down, and I will say it again. Mr durling's gonna laugh at this one when I say slow down, I I actually he. He sent me a. You know, there was a posting last week on Burbank PD's Instagram. An officer impounded a car, cited a guy for going 100 and, I believe, 9 miles an hour on a Burbank street. I'm sorry, folks, it's happening everywhere. You know, these new cars are built for speed but not in the city. You wonder why they're, you know, calming streets down and doing what they're doing. Well, that's because you're doing it yourself.

Speaker 1:

So calm down, slow down yeah, absolutely, totally agree, and I'm very pleased that the officer out there made the choice to actually go with what the vehicle code allowed him to do and actually take the guy into custody, bring him to jail. We live in a time right now where accountability is hard to find out there and there are no repercussions for people's actions. We see it every day, all day on the news, these takeovers of stores, taking over the intersection, stuff like that. So bravo to the officer that that took it upon himself to enforce the law, um, by actually impounding the car, taking the person into custody.

Speaker 3:

uh, teach them a lesson well, you know, you're right, craig, and I saw on the news the other day. It's unfortunate. A kid, just a week away from his graduation, crashes and gets killed and they show the kid's car. After the fire department filleted to get him out, meaning using the job as a life, they give their 17-year-old a Corvette. If that is not an invitation to kill your kid, I don't know what is. Kid that, I don't know what is, and I and I'm saying that plain, but you know bluntly I remember giving my kid um, a um geo, a little tiny geo, because I knew he couldn't go for 55 miles an hour.

Speaker 1:

It's like when somebody you know learns that he gets their motorcycle license endorsement. Finally, you know I tell them please don't go out and buy a ducati, go Go buy an old Honda. You know, with a small engine some clunker, that'll get you around safely, but you don't need the fastest you know industry bike out there to learn on. And you know you're right. They give these kids, especially in LA. You know they get BMWs and Teslas and Mercedes in some cases, but they're over their heads as soon as they sit behind the steering wheel. We had a conversation with somebody at the car show. He said every new driver should get like an 82 Volvo four-door because they're built like tanks but they're not going to be driving over their heads. And this 109, we talked about it last week but I'm still shaking my head over it, but I'm glad. Imagine the ones that don't get caught.

Speaker 3:

Well, I happened to question one of the motor officers and it was the motor officer that did that, cited him and I thanked him, I applauded him. That stretch, where I remember it came up a couple months ago during the city council meeting, San Fernando Road, between Hollywood Way and Buena Vista, is a raceway and they wanted to change the speed limit on it and there's no stops and you're going to get going faster than hell and you know what? Somebody's going to get killed out there and everybody's going to look at the city. Well, why didn't you do something?

Speaker 1:

Well, that officer that day saved that driver from himself, saved a lot, possibly saved lives, if not just the drivers, others and I think we talked about it last week where you had the car go through the front, the storefront, right. Right, imagine if a car going 109 miles an hour lost control which is very easy to do at those speeds, it, it doesn't take much to lose control Went into that store yeah, don't you At that speed. Just the damage caused by a vehicle going that speed is just incredible.

Speaker 3:

You can't even picture it, you know and I know this rant is a little long, but, craig, I know you have done. You were in traffic. You specialize in that. You investigated hundreds of accidents. The reaction time when you're driving 109, you sneeze or fart.

Speaker 1:

You could be where can you be Well if you do it at the same time? God help you. No, well, you know, the old rule is perception. Reaction time is about a second and a half combined. So people think that we're really quick at reacting and hitting the brake and all that Well, if you're paying attention.

Speaker 1:

Lord knows where cars are full of distractions these days and their phones and stuff. But it took about three quarters of a second to perceive something in front of you, an object, a pedestrian, something, a threat, and another three quarters of a second just to communicate that to your foot to slam on the brake. After that you still have to have the car stop right in time. That's in a perfect scenario. Those numbers have changed a little back and forth over the years, but I've always used the old rule of the second and a half. So imagine, if you go on 109 miles an hour, how much distance you're covering in a second and a half before you even apply the brakes. And that's if you're paying attention. And I'm guessing if somebody is going 109 miles an hour they're probably showing off for themselves somebody else or they're already distracted. But so much can go wrong so quickly. But you're covering a lot of distance in that second and a half, before you even apply the brakes.

Speaker 3:

Well, I know there were two major accidents here in town last week cars into buildings. One of them was a medical condition which you can't help, you know. But the other one was somebody going up Magnolia and somebody made a left turn and the driver, you know, turned to the right real fast up the handicap ramp and went right into Bell Cottage. That's how fast that he couldn't react. And there was this gentleman inside the store. We have the video on my Burbank um that there was a guy in the store that heard the screeching and jumped out of the way. You know he was very, very lucky. But that's my rant of the week. I know some people listen to him. I have other complaints that I could bring up, but I just see it too much lately and I've covered enough blood, guts and gore.

Speaker 1:

Well, just to drive the point home, I've done some quick math here, and if you're going 109 miles an hour, you go 160 feet in one second. So if the brakes aren't being applied for a second and a half, think about that. You're covering some major ground there, but I'll leave it there.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's my round of the week. What a great show. We had a great week. I'm glad to see the people that came out to the Road Kings car show. There were just hundreds of people. There were not only Burbank people. We got some classic stuff from some different people that were out there, which was fun. We look forward to going on for next week. What else you got, Craig? That's it for me.

Speaker 2:

For Craig Derling. For Ross Benson. This is Craig Sherwood saying thank you for listening and we will talk to you again next week.

Speaker 1:

My Burbank Talks would like to thank all of my Burbank's advertisers for their continued support Burbank Water Power, cusimano Real Estate Group, ume Credit Union, burbank Chamber of Commerce, gain Credit Union, providence, st Joseph Medical Center, community, chevrolet, media City Credit Union, ucla Health, tequila's, burbank Logix Credit Union, hill Street Cafe, pertain Escobar Wealth Management and the UPS Store on Third Street.

Burbank Talks
Discussion on Local Events and Developments
Debate Over LA City Council Incident
Burbank Car Show Recap
City Updates and Events Overview
Flag Day and Father's Day Events
Burbank Car Show and Sponsor Appreciation